EMR-agnostic Interoperability Equals Any EMR, Anytime, Anywhere
Apple Valley, California (PRWEB) April 09, 2015 -- Apple Valley, CA – April 9, 2015 - Today, Master Mobile Products announces MedMaster Mobility, the ideal solution to the five toughest problems in today’s HIT landscape. Starting with EMR-agnostic system interoperability, MedMaster easily provides structured data without compromising the patient’s unique clinical story, significant cost-savings in patient billing by automatically generating diagnosis codes in ICD9, SNOWMED, and RXNORM formats from unstructured dictation, universal mobility, and it expands physician user EMR adoption.
MedMaster includes full read-write mobile access to patient chart data, scheduling, creation of medical issues, soap notes, medications, vitals, messages, etc. Now with MedMaster Mobility, physicians can practice medicine 24/7 from an exam room, hospital room, or family room from multiple and diverse EMR providers.
Practitioners can create structured data without compromising the patient’s clinical story using MedMaster’s fully integrated Medical Speech Recognition and Clinical Language Understanding (CLU), also known as NLP, powered by Nuance Healthcare. To date, MedMaster has the only successful mobile implementation of Nuance’s CLU engine.
CLU allows a physician to free form dictate information from the patient encounter. CLU analyzes that unstructured data and within only seconds returns it as structured discrete information into the appropriate fields within a patient’s Electronic Medical Record. MedMaster’s inclusion of Nuance Advanced Medical Speech Recognition, CLU and Navigation eliminates 90%+ of transcription and coding costs.
The Nuance NLP engine offers the industry’s strongest medical ontology with 850,000 terms, 379 relationships and 5 million knowledge elements.
From routine doctor visits, to hectic emergency room intakes, to time-critical theater diagnoses, physicians will find MedMaster Mobility an indispensable tool in the cost effective delivery of modern healthcare.
Please visit us at http://www.medmastermobile.com to learn more about MedMaster and to screen our videos for MedMaster Mobility, Clinical Language Understanding (NLP), Artificial Intelligence (coming late 2015), and more.
For more information, press only:
Ms. L. Gonzales
Master Mobile Products
Tel: (888) 278-4009 Ext. 323
Email: mediarelations(at)mastermobileproducts.com
Master Mobile Products
Staffed by only seasoned Apple iOS developers with unmatched expertise in designing, developing, and deploying mobile healthcare applications optimized for the iPad and iPad mini, Master Mobile Products is a privately held company with headquarters in southern California. Master Mobile Products’ MedMaster Mobile solutions are designed from the very beginning to be native applications that provide the an intuitive Apple device experience that only a truly native application can do.
MedMaster Mobility and the MedMaster Mobility logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Master Mobile Products, LLC or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other company names or product names may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Ms. L. Gonzales, Master Mobile Products, http://www.mastermobileproducts.com, +1 888.278.4009 Ext: 251, [email protected]
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