Ensupra Solar Founders Launch a Company in India
Houston, Texas (PRWEB) October 31, 2013 -- EnsupraSolar founders have ventured into Indian solar and other renewable energy market by forming a company, Ensupra India Private Limited. The company has its head office in New Delhi and it will provide its product throughout the country. It has started production of durable lighting for the Indian rural sector where the electricity is not available.This eliminates the need for costly kerosene or candles, creating more disposable income for the families.
EnsupraIndia aims to create socioeconomic growth by distribution solar lights and other solar products, assembled in the country and catered to the needs of villagers who have no access to electricity.
Subsequent to the lighting project, the company plans to launch other solar products for semi-urban areas where there is electricity grid, but the utility power is off most of the time. There is need for 'Energy Sufficiency' in these small towns. The power cuts are more prominent during summer months. The homeowners in these small towns get the power from community generator at higher cost. Generators have huge operating cost because of the rising fuel prices, resulting in high electric rate. Also, the pollution from fumes and noise around the homes becomes intolerable for the local residents. Ensupra India plans to play a key role in making the homes sufficient in energy by implementing advanced solar technologies.
Dan, Ensupra Solar LLC, http://www.PluggedSolar.com, +1 866.586.4433, [email protected]
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