Entrepreneurs’ Organization Reveals Global Entrepreneur Survey's Connecticut Findings
Connecticut (PRWEB) March 28, 2016 -- The Global Entrepreneur Indicator, a bi-annual survey conducted by the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), revealed the latest economic findings from business owners in Connecticut and the world over. EO’s February GEI – taken globally by 7,034 leading entrepreneurs – reveals the current state of 48 countries’ business landscapes, assessing current and projected economic health.
83.9% of EO Connecticut respondents reported a willingness to start a business in their current economic environment, with very similar sentiments (83.1%) coming from the neighboring Boston Chapter respondents.
More than half of Connecticut respondents predicted that the country’s economic outlook would stay the same (51.6%), while 25.8% predicted improvement and 22.6% predicted deterioration.
A snapshot of the Connecticut findings includes:
• Connecticut entrepreneurs indicate an increase in full-time staffing levels: 51.6% past six months; 64.5% future six months
• 77.4% of Connecticut entrepreneurs reported an increase in business revenue over the last six months; 83.9% of Connecticut entrepreneurs predicted an increase in business revenue over the next six months
• Connecticut respondents reported increased funding opportunities during the past six months: 71% stayed the same; 25.8% reported an increase and 3.2% reported a decrease
• Connecticut business owners are optimistic in capital surpluses in the next six months: 80.6% increase; 12.9% stay the same; 6.5% decrease
Methodology: More than 7,000 of 11,000+ business owners that comprise EO’s membership responded to the survey with 31 respondents in Connecticut. Respondents represented 155 chapters from 48 countries. Participants were presented with 14 questions assessing current and projected economic health. During the survey period, February 1-29, 2016, responses were obtained by contacting members within each chapter to guide them to the survey materials. Reports were then issued to each of EO’s chapters around the world, based on the responses collected from each chapter’s members.
The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) Connecticut Chapter, founded in 1999, boasts a peer-to-peer network of 46 influential business leaders representing a wide range of industries such as financial services, technology, construction, food/beverage, healthcare, law, manufacturing, marketing/PR, real estate, and more.
Every Connecticut respondent to the survey is the founder of a business with at least $1 million in annual revenues, with average member revenues of $8.97 million. The average number of employees at Connecticut respondents’ companies is 34.
For more information, visit https://www.eonetwork.org/ and http://www.eoct.org/.
About the Entrepreneurs’ Organization
The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a global, peer-to-peer network of more than 11,000 influential business leaders with 153 chapters in 48 countries. Founded in 1987, EO is the catalyst that enables leading entrepreneurs to learn and grow, leading to greater success in business and beyond. To learn more about the Connecticut Chapter, visit eoct.org.
Elyssa Millspaugh, Co-Communications, Inc., +1 860-676-4400, [email protected]
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