EPS Literacy and Intervention’s Academy of READING Earns New Endorsement From Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE)
Greenville, WI (PRWEB) April 14, 2015 -- EPS Literacy and Intervention, a division of School Specialty, Inc. (OTCQB: SCOO), announced today its Academy of READING® online intervention program has been re-endorsed by the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE). This prestigious recognition signifies that Academy of READING meets or exceeds all of CASE’s criteria for a reading intervention tool for struggling readers that is designed to complement existing reading curriculum.
“Developing 21st century literacy skills equips students with a firm foundation for success beyond the classroom,” said Dr. Luann L. Purcell, executive director, CASE. “Providing access to high-quality, research-based learning tools helps to ensure special education students have the opportunity to develop these skills and accelerate their learning. Academy of READING is a prime example of a program that makes high-quality intervention and 21st century literacy skills accessible to all students, particularly those with special needs. We are proud to count Academy of READING as one of the innovative education products to have earned re-endorsement from CASE."
Academy of READING first received recognition from CASE in 2011 after undergoing a rigorous evaluation from a review panel comprised of teachers and students as well as an in-depth examination of its research base. Academy of READING assists educators in developing intervention strategies that enable struggling students – particularly populations such as special education students and English Language Learners (ELL) – to build fluency in the foundation skills of reading. The online program features a mastery learning approach that incorporates automaticity, independent reading, Spanish language support, and motivational elements. Academy of READING’s sister program, Academy of MATH® has also been endorsed by CASE.
A key component of CASE’s re-endorsement of Academy of READING was tied to customer satisfaction and effectiveness in the classroom. According to a recent survey among educators with special education students and other struggling readers, 70 percent are either very satisfied or extremely satisfied with the program. Sixty percent believe Academy of READING has been effective in improving the reading proficiency of their students, while 63 percent have seen an overall improvement in reading scores and 54 percent have seen improvement in student motivation.
In re-evaluating Academy of READING, CASE considered key updates to the program, including:
• New Directory of Resources, including PDF versions of the placement test, training program scope and sequence; “Getting Started” documents to help new teachers familiarize themselves with the program quickly.
• Reports with multi-year viewing capabilities, providing customers with an historical view of progress at the student, class, school, and district levels.
• A notification tool allowing system administrators to create messages to be displayed to staff and/or students upon login.
• The inclusion of two new modules, previously available only as separate add-ons, are now included with any new purchase of Academy of READING: Spanish Tutor which provides tutorials and assistance in Spanish to ensure students understand how to successfully complete the English‐language training exercises and Portfolio® which provides focused oral reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary activities to enhance training in Academy of READING for students struggling with oral fluency.
To find out more about Academy of READING, visit http://epsbooks.com/AOR.
About The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE)
The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) is an international professional educational organization that is affiliated with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), whose members are dedicated to the enhancement of the worth, dignity, potential and uniqueness of each individual in society. Those who receive special-education services are individuals who possess basic rights and responsibilities, and who command respect at all times. Special education embraces the right to a free, appropriate public education. The mission of the Council of Administrators of Special Education, Inc., is to provide leadership and support to members by shaping policies and practices that impact the quality of education. For more information, visit http://www.casecec.org.
About EPS Literacy and Intervention
EPS Literacy and Intervention provides K–12 blended-media solutions that build core skills and close the achievement gap in reading and math. With powerful instructional tools and high-quality materials, the company’s reading and math intervention solutions are proven to help struggling students. From universal screening to interventions, progress monitoring to data-driven decision-making, and professional development, EPS offers an integrated approach to effective teaching and learning.
For more information on EPS and its proven programs Wordly Wise 3000®, Academy of READING®, Academy of MATH®, MCI, S.P.I.R.E.®, Path Driver for Reading®, Path Driver for Math™, Explode The Code®, EPS E.P.I.C. and more, visit http://epsbooks.com.
Shaun Wiley, L. Wolfe Communications, +1 (773) 278-2800, [email protected]
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