EQUOTE.com Now Offering Indexed Universal Life Insurance as well as No Medical Term Life Insurance
San Diego, CA (PRWEB) December 30, 2013 -- EQUOTE is proud to announce that they are now offering Indexed Universal Life Insurance. Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) is similar to universal life insurance, with a few exciting added components. IUL policies allow holders to decide the percentage of their funds that they wish to allocate for indexed portions. Indexed Universal Life Insurance is an investment fund that has been proven to display long term results and has an investment fund that can grow for years.
EQUOTE’s clients who have invested in an IUL have earned at least 13 percent return on the first investment place within the policy. With an IUL a person is not only getting life insurance but an investment vehicle that is tied to a stock market index. This is one of the best ways to protect one’s family and plan for the future. Purchasing life insurance is a major step in the life of anyone who is looking to protect dependents and others close to him or her from financial hardships in the event of death. Life insurance coverage helps survivors pay for day-to-day living expenses, funeral costs, college tuition, housing and more. Having life insurance with an IUL is something that will give any person a peace of mind. Not only are they receiving the best in life insurance, but a policy that works as an investment for the family.
The brokers at EQUOTE have helped clients with successful IUL plans linking life insurance policies onto the Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P) one of the top stock exchanges in the world. The experts involved research the best stocks and connect life insurance policies to those specific stocks. Each policy also offers tax deferments and tax free death benefits. IULs only require a single premium of at most $5,000.
EQUOTE has been the trusted name in health insurance for over 15 years. As the foremost providers of affordable term life insurance and no medical exam term life insurance, the company has been able to forge their path as leaders in the industry. Helping clients achieve their unique goals, EQUOTE truly cares about each individual and wants to help everyone find the right insurance that provides protection for the future.
For more information log on to: EQUOTE.com
Media Relations, All Access Placement, +1 (310) 498-9303, [email protected]
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