eReflect Promotes Reading with the Story of Carl Foster
New York City, NY (PRWEB) December 29, 2013 -- Reading can change lives, as the story of Carl Foster illustrates. In a recent blog post, eReflect looked at the opportunities and strengths literacy offers to people, and focused on telling the story of Carl Foster to highlight this point. Foster grew up in England in the 70’s and didn't have the opportunity to receive the education his friends of the same age did. Later, Foster struggled as an adult to learn to read and write. Through his efforts, today he has become a self-made professional speaker and author who uses his life experiences to help teenagers to stay in school and fully utilize their learning potential.
Literacy opens up the world of reading, and nothing compares to the benefits of reading books —fiction or non-fiction. TV shows, films and other forms of entertainment can be as enjoyable, but reading offers another level of satisfaction, one that quenches curiosity and thirst for learning. As Foster points out on his website, he doesn’t believe in the "I’m a loser" mentality, but instead supports the notion that every individual can achieve personal success by realizing his or her potential to change first mindset, and then life.
The story of Carl Foster, a man who against all odds found the strength and perseverance to change his life, is inspirational and motivating. Currently many young students drop out of school because of insufficient support from their families, their teachers, and the educational system itself. Foster’s story serves as a reminder that people are in control of their life and that despite any challenges a person might be against, there’s always a way to overcome them.
Carl Foster is an accomplished entrepreneur who travels around the world talking to young people about his success story. He shares his tale about the life-changing decision he made to educate himself and become an accomplished adult despite his learning difficulties and rough childhood. eReflect, developer of 7 Speed Reading™ software, believes that Carl Foster’s story can be an example that all children ought to be aware of and remind themselves of in times when their morale is low and they're tempted to give up on education. The development team at eReflect hopes that everyone can realize the success that Carl Foster found through literacy and education.
For more information about the benefits of using 7 Speed Reading, please visit the official website at
About 7 Speed Reading™
7 Speed Reading is the only modern speed reading software that uses the latest technology to produce superior results.
The software provides its users with a new way to master speed reading that guarantees three times the reading speed along with improved memory and comprehension.
The software is poised as the most comprehensive speed reading system anywhere. It contains seven learning strategies, fifteen software activities, video training, advanced tracking capabilities and many more exciting features.
Rick Wilson, eReflect, +1 (408) 520-9803, [email protected]
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