Essex-based CC Consulting leads the way as a Champion of Women in Business
Braintree, Essex (PRWEB UK) 9 December 2015 -- More women are starting their own business than men in the UK for the first time ever, with an additional 14% aiming to hire new staff in 2015 according to a survey on behalf of the Business is GREAT Britain campaign. With nearly one million women-led SMEs in the UK that could mean around 140,000 new jobs have been created in 2015 alone.
However, despite the start-up surge and clear ambitions, women’s businesses aren’t accessing the same level of support and are still statistically less likely to survive and grow than men’s businesses. The Charter for Women in Business is a practical initiative created to help close the gender gap by supporting and enabling female-led businesses.
Accredited coach and founder of CC Consulting, Rosemary Cooper-Clark is the leadership and business coach behind High Flying Divas, a not-for-profit mentoring forum for businesswomen with over 300 members in its online group and meetings in London and the South-East. Rosemary has worked with a number of female-led businesses at SME and corporate level, helping them to create a road map for growth and success with a focus on strategy, marketing and people development.
“I joined the Charter for Women in Business because I passionately believe that women can do anything they put their minds to,” says Rosemary. “Like any business leader, women just need one of three things: a brain to pick; a sounding board; someone to set them on the road to success."
Prowess Director Erika Watson, who was awarded an MBE for services to women’s enterprise, says: “The Charter builds on international best practice and more importantly the women we’ve surveyed give it their full approval. We’re inviting business support and services providers to join CC Consulting by signing up to the Charter and let their staff and clients know that they are serious about sharing in women’s business success.”
The Charter for Women in Business is available online at It includes a code of practice, online training and marketing tools which will better equip supporters of start-ups and small companies to reach and support the growing market of women in business.
Notes to editors
Rosemary Cooper-Clark, CC Consulting, is available for interview: 01376 573283 rcc(at)ccconsulting(dot)org(dot)uk web:
Prowess Founder, Erika Watson MBE is available for interview. tel: 0797 5743281 erika(at)prowess(dot)org(dot)uk
The Charter for Women in Business is an initiative of Prowess, the online hub providing inspiration, information and support for UK women in business.
About Highflyingdivas
The 300 members of Highflyingdivas regularly share insights and provide advice and support through forums with facilitated co-mentoring. Rosemary is a registered expert with Business Growth Services. She aims to continue to grow Highflyingdivas because the greater the diversity of female experience and knowledge, the more benefits members can get from the forum. Attendees range from high potential graduates through to corporate senior executives who are happy to share their wisdom and experiences to help support and develop other women. Find out more
Key facts about UK women in business
• Since 2008 the number of self-employed women has increased from just over 1 million to almost 1.5 million. (ONS statistics 2008 – 2015). The proportion of women-led businesses that are employers has dropped from a peak of 19% in 2012 to 18% in 2014 (BIS Small Business Survey 2015). The self-employment gender pay gap has widened to 40% (Guardian analysis of ONS stats, 8 March 2014).
• Small businesses contribute £386 billion to the UK economy (BIS 2015). It’s estimated that women-led small businesses contribute around £70 billion. (Women’s Enterprise Task Force report 2009). RBS has calculated that boosting female entrepreneurship could deliver approximately £60bn extra to the UK economy. (RBS 2013)
• Women’s businesses that become established do just as well as their male counterparts, but they grow more slowly and are more likely to close in the early days. Too many are held back by lower levels of funding and resources and consequent lower levels of self-confidence at start-up. (RBS 2013)
• Enterprise training doubles women’s chances of starting a business, and triples their level of confidence in their abilities. (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2010) Women are significantly more likely to participate in training that is targeted specifically to their needs. (
Rosemary Cooper-Clark, CC Consulting,, +44 345 5272801, [email protected]
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