EverWebinar: Review Examining Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime’s Automated Webinar Marketing Program Released
Houston, TX (PRWEB) December 11, 2015 -- EverWebinar, a new released automated program claims it can help Internet marketers connect with the audience in a personalized webinar over and over again, with no effort on their behalf. This has caught the attention of MarketersBlueprint.com’s Stan Stevenson, prompting an investigative review.
“Our EverWebinar review shows it’s a program specifically designed to automate your webinar efforts and be affordable to everyone. Developed by marketing geniuses, Mark Filsaime and Andy Jenkins, using such a program means that you can record your webinar at your own convenience,” reports Stevenson. “You can then literally ‘play it on demand’ for your audience; multiple different time zones, as many times per day or week that you wish. Simple to use, the program automates with all major autoresponders, which means you can continue to build your list of emails with all the traffic that arrives at your landing pages.”
EverWebinar is build with direct integration with WebinarJam Studio, which means users can also convert live webinars to automated, using past webinars to host these new, automated versions. The program includes an advanced scheduling system, built in registration, thank you page builder, split test designs, in-depth analytics and tracking integration, and much more. People can set up pages in minutes, edit, remove, import, add custom chat, and integrate their webinar with all the top email marketing platforms, which means they not only get leads for the webinar, but for their other marketing efforts too.
“If you’re successfully marketing online, you’re going to have all the necessary skills to be able to integrate this program into your arsenal of tools in just a few simple clicks. Forget needing a PhD in technology to be able to work it. The automated webinars created by the tool are impossible to differentiate from live webinars,” says Stevenson. “Even though the webinar is automated, you can still monitor and reply to the chat that comes through, and you can even allow staff members to use the chat feature to communicate with your audience in real time.”
“If you’re an Internet Marketer, then plain and simple, EverWebinar is for you. Filsaime and Jenkins make their programs affordable enough for everyone to take advantage of, and the great thing is that they actually work without any of the annoying technical glitches that many seemingly similar programs see to have. Thanks to the host of superb page builders and integration to all other tools, you can create your webinar in the fastest possible time ever. You can also connect your audience pixels, Google Analytics, custom tracking pixels and Facebook tracking to understand the exact results of your advertising efforts. This could well be the tool that’ll help you start making the kind of money you know your efforts deserve. In a nutshell, this tool rocks because it’s awesome!”
Those wishing to purchase EverWebinar, or for more information, click here.
To access a comprehensive EverWebinar review, visit http://marketersblueprint.com/everwebinar-review.
Mark Lewis, +1 (877) 524-2556, [email protected]
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