Everything First-Time Homeowners Need To Know About Paint
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) November 22, 2014 -- With the National Association of Realtors recent report showing existing home sales rose to new 2014 highs, The Federal Savings Bank knows that many first-time home buyers may be moving into homes with paint colors they are less than thrilled about. Sometimes rooms were decorated in previous decades and haven't been updated. Other instances merely reflect a disagreement in taste between the different homeowners. Whatever the reason, new homes usually mean it's time for buyers to pick out paints and roll up their sleeves.
However, for first-time homeowners that may be inexperienced with the different types of paints and the process of redecorating, there are a few things they should know:
Considerations when choosing color
Homeowners shouldn't be afraid to go for the colors they love, but their favorite shade may not look as great in their kitchen as they thought. If a room has little natural light, owners should avoid dark colors, which can make the room appear smaller than it is. Also, paint often dries a bit darker on walls than the shade on the sample, so it may be best to err on the side of light versus dark.
If owners aren't sure which color they prefer, stores will sell sample sizes. People can use these to paint a section of the wall each color they're considering. This way they'll know what it looks like when it dries and with the room's specific lighting.
Facts about finishes
The same color paint can look very different depending on the finish. The most common finishes are flat, satin or eggshell, semi gloss and gloss. Flat paint provides a low-reflecting surface and is best used on ceilings. It's a little more difficult to clean than glossy paint so it isn't ideal for heavy traffic areas or kids' rooms.
Satin and eggshell have small amounts of sheen and are the most common finishes for high-traffic areas like bathrooms, bedrooms and hallways.
Semi gloss is usually applied in kitchens and sometimes bathrooms, and gloss is for details you want to really stand out such as banisters and windowsills. Both will show more imperfections than a flat finish so homeowners shouldn't use them if the home's walls are older and less smooth.
Think about the environment
Paint will always smell like paint but homeowners don't have to fill their houses with fumes. Owners can purchase low- or no-volatile organic compound paints to limit the odor from painting the house and reduce the amount of chemicals emitted into the air.
When buying VOC paint, owners should be aware it dries faster than traditional products. Because of this, they should be prepared for how they want to paint a room and possibly have another set of hands on duty so it can be done quickly. It also may not cover textured surfaces as well as conventional paints.
There are also certified green paints available from some manufacturers. These will have zero VOCs and be free of vinyl, plasticizers and toxic biocides.
Other environmentally friendly options like casein paints are made with natural ingredients. These often come in powder form and require the owner to mix the paint with water. It's also usually less durable than modern paints.
First-time home buyers looking for a new home to redecorate should contact The Federal Savings Bank, a veteran owned bank, to learn about low rate mortgages.
The Perfect Mortgage Experience, The Federal Savings Bank, https://www.thefederalsavingsbank.com, +1 8472265242, [email protected]
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