Evolutionary Eating, a New Book by Praeclarus Press, Helps Readers Improve Their Health by Normalizing Insulin Levels and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
Amarillo, Texas (PRWEB) October 31, 2013 -- For most of history, long before diets or gyms were invented, human beings were not fat but maintained relatively slim and shapely silhouettes throughout their lives. Diabetes and heart disease were rare. In the last 50 years, however, there has been a dramatic change; not in humans’ genes, but in their environment. In Evolutionary Eating: How We Got Fat and 7 Simple Fixes, published by Praeclarus Press, physician Theresa Nesbitt describes the hazards of the modern diet, including many "diet" foods that are ruining Americans’ health, increasing the risk of heart disease and diabetes—and making them fat to boot.
Human beings evolved as the most highly adaptable species on Earth. They have learned to survive and thrive in a wide variety of food environments. Unfortunately, the modern world is triggering changes in their bodies that make them store and hoard fat. One particular issue is the impact of the typical American diet on insulin levels, increasing the risk of diabetes and trapping unwary eaters in fat-storage mode. It is very difficult to lose weight in fat-storage mode, and even harder to keep it off.
Fortunately, humans have an inborn weight-regulating mechanism. But they must learn skills to master the modern food environment, avoid eating modern products that masquerade as food. These foods keep insulin levels high and make our bodies hoard fat. The key is to get out of fat-storage mode. Evolutionary Eating is a guide for everything men and women need to know about how to become skillful eaters, enjoy foods they were designed to eat, and stay fit in our modern fat habitat.
Dr. Theresa Nesbitt is the author of Evolutionary Eating. She is an obstetrician/gynecologist and wellness counselor. She has helped thousands of clients stop dieting, enjoy eating real foods, and reclaim their health.
Praeclarus Press is a small press specializing in women’s health located in Amarillo, Texas. It features books, webinars, and other materials that support women’s health throughout the lifespan, and is owned by health psychologist Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., owner of Praeclarus Press.
Scott Sherwood, Praeclarus Press, +1 8063679950, [email protected]
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