Expert Explains the 5 Top Considerations When Choosing a Family Dog
Orlando, FL (PRWEB) October 26, 2013 -- CDBC Jennifer Shryock recently released her Top 5 considerations when choosing a family dog.
"It’s a long term proposition that has to be weighed carefully," Shyrock says. "What kind of dog is right for your family? It comes down to a series of questions."
1. Family Decisions and Research Activity- The most important thing about choosing a dog is what a family thinks. The entire family should be a part of this decision. Also, research is vital to choosing the right breed of dog for a family.
2. Puppy vs. Adult- Decide whether adopting a puppy or an adult dog is right for the family.
3. Energy Level of the Dog and Lifestyle- Make sure the family has the time in their schedule for the dogs needs. From walking to feeding, the dog will come with different needs depending on the energy level of the dog.
4. Size of the Dog and its Needs- Consider the size of the dog and what that size pet will require. For example, If the family lives in an apartment, don’t get a dog that requires a large backyard and needs to run around.
5. Grooming Needs- Consider the grooming needs of whichever breed is chosen. For example, research which dogs shed and which dogs require regular grooming.
Make sure that to choose a dog based on needs and abilities, and be rewarded with years of love and affection, but choose wrongly and have years of misery.
About Jennifer Shryock
Jennifer Shryock is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), owner of Family Paws™ LLC in Cary, NC and holds a degree in Special Education. Jennifer is also U.S. VP of Doggone Safe a non-profit dedicated to dog bite prevention and victim support. Jennifer is also an instructor for Kenyon Canine Institute. A recognized expert on child-dog interactions and safety, Jennifer has written and spoken extensively about these topics. Her two programs, Dogs & Storks® and the Dog & Baby Connection™ have been featured in national media such as The Wall Street Journal, Martha Stewart LIVING along with many TV and radio appearances.
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Trent Silver, Silver Visibility,, 1-813-494-0205, [email protected]
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