Family Archival Solutions Offers Case Study in How Elderly Adults are Using Technology for Estate Planning
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 28, 2014 -- When Carole Janice turned 75 she promised herself that she would organize all of the important documents that she knew her son would need if she got sick and, eventually, passed away. With her husband of 60 years approaching age 90, it was time to plan for the inevitable.
Despite the likelihood that she would live another 15 or even 20 years, her goal was to get all of the legal documents, insurance policies, pension programs, bank statements, stock certificates and other papers organized while the details were fresh in her mind and she could ask the right questions of her husband (and lawyer or accountant) if she needed.
The organizing process was less complicated than she envisioned because she discovered Family Archival Solutions, an online service that provides a detailed checklist for every important step of end-of-life planning and document organization.
Using her tablet to access the company’s website at, she was prompted to research information about investments and assets that she had actually forgotten about and to leave a detailed trail of where important trust papers could be located after she and her husband passed away.
According to Carole, “Without the Family Archival Solutions software to guide me through the process and ask the right questions, there is no doubt that I would have overlooked several important investments and holdings that my husband and I acquired over fifty years ago. I even discovered that we hadn’t received profit distributions for over a decade by a real estate investment from when were first married.”
She went on to add “I can’t imagine how my son would have ever been able to piece together the boxes of papers and statements that we had tucked away in the garage. He is married and lives on the east coast now—far from our life as retirees in Palm Springs—and I’m sure that a large piece of our estate that we want him and our grandson to have would have gone unnoticed and unclaimed forever.”
These types of issues are real problems for aging Americans—especially those who benefitted from a lifetime of post-World War II economic booms and amassed a tidy estate. For this reason, Los Angeles attorney Mark Nicholas founded Family Archival Solutions and its sister company, National Will Registry—both dedicated to helping families (and estate professionals) organize important family documents and end-of-life instructions.
According to Nicholas, “It is tragic to know that billions of dollars in hard-earned lifetimes of saving go unclaimed every year and that almost 60 percent of wills are never located—even when they were left in the care of an attorney. This is why we formed our two online brands, with the hope of preserving assets and memories for families from every walk of life—assets and memories that are poorly organized today and almost impossible to organize after the passing of a parent or loved one.”
To sign up or learn more about Family Archival Solutions visit and or call (800) 732-2139. Both companies are based in Los Angeles and provide highly secure and attorney-designed service to families and estate planning professionals.
About Family Archival Solutions and the National Will Registry:
The National Will Registry ( was created to enable families and estate planning professionals to name the locations of any important end-of-life documents. Family Archival Solutions ( extends protection with the storage of those important documents and paired with comprehensive services for families and estate professionals that assist in estate administration. Based in Los Angeles, the company utilizes security features from Iron Mountain to provide the highest levels of data and document protection. To sign up visit and for detailed information about trends in estate planning, online security and other important end-of-life details. Call (800) 732-2139 or email for additional information.
Mark Nicholas, Family Archival Solutions,, +1 (800) 732-2139 Ext: 101, [email protected]
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