Fast Track Rigorous Energy Code Compliance with SIPs @ IBS 2016, Jan. 19-21
Ft. Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) January 08, 2016 -- The Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) will be at the International Builders Show in Las Vegas, NV from Jan. 19-21 at booth C6143 showing builders how to fast track rigorous energy code compliance with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs). In-booth SIP experts include representatives from Murus Structural Insulated Panels, Extreme Panel Technologies Inc., TRUFAST, NTA Inc., ENERCEPT, Energy Panel Structures, FischerSIPS, R-Control SIPs and Premier SIPS. Additionally, live tutorials by SIP mavens Matt Belcher (Belcher Homes) and Al Cobb (The SIPs School) include:
DO'S & DON'TS OF INSTALLING SIPs Tue Jan. 19, 2016, 10 a.m.-10:45 p.m. (PT), Central Hall Stage: Learn why SIPs are simple to use and how you can order pre-cut panels that arrive on site ready to set in place. Hear why they deliver an ultra-energy efficient building envelope that meets the new continuous insulation requirements of the new 2015 code and California’s Title 24 “zero-ready” homes goals. Ask questions and get expert tips on how to achieve the best performance when building with SIPs.
IMPROVE YOUR BUILDING PERFORMANCE AND YOUR BOTTOM LINE WITH SIPs, Tue Jan. 19, 2016, 11:15 a.m.-noon (PT) NAHB Building System Council's Builder's Lounge, located at room N232: Matt Belcher, SIPA Board member and high-performance building expert, shares tips, tricks and ways SIPs can help you out perform the completion and realize your 2016 business goals.
According to SIPA’s Executive Director, Jack Armstrong, “Current market forces are right to make 2016 the Year of SIPs.”
Armstrong points to the surge in demand for sustainable / resilient homes, rigorous energy codes and state and federal efficiency incentives. “SIPs can make a traditional homebuilder more competitive while helping to lower the world’s carbon footprint; SIP structures cost less to own and operate,” Armstrong said.
About SIPA
The Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) is a non-profit association dedicated to increasing the use and acceptance of structural insulated panels (SIPs) in green, high performance building by providing an industry forum for promotion, communication, education, quality assurance, and technical and marketing research. SIPs are a high performance, panelized building system that offers superior thermal performance, air tightness, and durability for energy-efficient homes and commercial buildings.
Builders and design professionals seeking to reduce energy use and minimize the carbon footprint of their buildings utilize SIPs as a cost-effective solution for exterior wall and roof systems that also cuts down on framing time, lessens construction waste, and ensures greater jobsite quality control through prefabrication. SIPs are an enabling technology to meet to the Architecture 2030 Challenge for net-zero carbon neutral buildings today. Learn more at
Jack Armstrong, Structural Insulated Panel Association,, +1 (551) 208-8302, [email protected]
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