Federal and State Agencies Strictly Enforcing Firing Range Lead Protection Standards to Provide Safe and Healthy Environment for Shooters, Workers and the Environment
Denver, CO (PRWEB) January 21, 2014 -- Federal, State and Local regulatory agencies such as OSHA are stringently enforcing the standards necessary for firing range owners/operators to follow in regard to compliance with lead regulations, including issuing fines of nearly half a million dollars. (OSHA Fines Shooting Range Cleanup Firm $480,000, 1/12/12, http://ohsonline.com/articles/2012/01/12/osha-fines-shooting-range-cleanup-firm-480000.aspx; US Labor Department’s OSHA cites FCC Environmental LLC in Georgia for exposing workers to lead and other hazards, 12/30/13, https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=NEWS_RELEASES&p_id=25335).
Is lead really a liability for firing ranges? According to the US EPA, “Lead removal and implementation of other Best Management Practices (BMPs) will allow the range to: minimize contamination of the range and potential impacts to human health and the environment; reduce liability with regard to potential agency or citizen lawsuits; possibly benefit economically from the recycling of lead; enhance its role as a good steward of the environment; and increase customer satisfaction”. (Do you use Best Management Practices for Lead at your Outdoor Shooting Range? EPA-902-F-00-001, http://www.epa.gov/region2/waste/leadshot/brochure.pdf).
Failure to manage lead properly could land a range in the same boat as the Broadkiln Sportsman Club, which was forced to sell its property when the courts found the range liable for $948,000 to settle charges that it contaminated adjacent Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge with lead ammunition (Sportsman's Club, Feds Settle Over Tainted Refuge, 10/13/08, , http://www.law360.com/articles/72472/sportsman-s-club-feds-settle-over-tainted-refuge).
That is why over 600 range operators nationwide such as Pennsylvania Game Commission, NYPD, and the US military have relied on the Colorado-based company, MT2, LLC (MT2) to properly manage firing range lead. MT2 is recognized as the nation’s largest professional contractor providing environmental firing range services. “MT2 is committed to the overall stewardship of the environment,” said Mr. Jim Barthel (MT2 CEO), “that is why we have invested significant resources over the years to develop firing range lead management services that meet or exceed regulatory requirements.” Mr. Barthel recommends that “To protect against lead hazards, follow regulatory guidance and implement Best Management Practices including proper lead removal and treatment.”
About MT2: MT2 has been “Getting the Lead Out” for over 13 years, performing over 600 indoor and outdoor range projects nationwide for a diverse variety of clients including law enforcement, military, government agencies, and private clubs. MT2’s firing range services include complete range maintenance, improvements and remediation services. More information is available at http://www.mt2.com/firing-ranges/overview-of-services.
James Barthel, MT2, LLC, http://www.mt2.com, (303) 456-6977, [email protected]
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