Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation 6th Annual Ride for Independence
Bloomfield CT (PRWEB) July 14, 2016 -- Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation - 6th Annual Ride for Independence - Sunday, July 17, 2016
SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2106
WHO: Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
INTERVIEWS AVAILABLE: Honorary Grand Marshal: Retired Marine Colonel Joe Link and his Fidelco Guide Dog “Tonka"
Ride Grand Marshal: Two-time MLB All-Star and World Series Pitcher Rob Dibble
WHAT: 6th annual Ride for Independence motorcycle fundraiser event to benefit Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation Program for Blinded Veterans and First-Responders
WHERE: Start location: Gengras Harley-Davidson, 221 Governor Street, East Hartford, CT 06108
End location: Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, 103 Vision Way, Bloomfield, CT 06002
WHEN: Sunday, July 17, 2016 – Genrgas Harley-Davidson
9:00-11:30 a.m. Registration,
11:30a.m. Opening Ceremony: Tribute to Fallen Heroes; National Anthem; Presentation of Honor and Remember Flags to two Gold Star Families
12:00 noon Ride departs
1:30 p.m. Ride concludes at Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation campus, Bloomfield, CT
1:30p.m. BBQ lunch served. Field of Flags memorial garden. Live concert.
$40/bike, includes passenger and lunch; $15/non-rider, includes lunch
WHY: To support Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation Program for Blinded Veterans and First-Responders
About Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation:
The Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Bloomfield, CT. Fidelco is an internationally accredited organization and an admired expert throughout the world for its highly valued German Shepherd Guide Dogs.
Each Fidelco Guide Dog takes two years, 15,000 hours and $45,000 to produce. They are given to clients at no cost. Fidelco provides 24/7 client support for the entire working life of its guide dogs – typically 10 years. Fidelco relies solely on the generosity and financial support of individuals, foundations, corporations and civic organizations to help Share the Vision®.
Fidelco has trained and placed more than 1,400 German Shepherd Guide Dogs throughout North America – in 41 states and five Canadian provinces. Fidelco pioneered In-Community Placement in the United States — a process that allows all guide dog users to be trained in the communities where they live and work.
Fidelco also has placed hundreds of its German Shepherd Dogs with law enforcement agencies, first responders, and search and rescue and missing child recovery organizations to help protect our fellow citizens and keep our communities safe.
For more information, please visit or “like” us on Facebook at
Julie Unwin, Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation,, +1 860-308-5323, [email protected]
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