FierceWireless Announces Speaker Roster for CES Executive Breakfast Event
Washington, DC (PRWEB) December 17, 2013 -- FierceWireless today announced its speaker line-up for an executive breakfast being held next month in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show. The event, “Who Will Pay for the Connected Car?”, will be held at the Encore @ The Wynn from 7:00—8:45AM on January 7, 2014.
The roster of speakers includes Philip M. Abram, Chief Infotainment Officer, General Motors; Per Borgklint, SVP and Head of Business Unit Support Systems, Ericsson; Alan Ewing, President, Executive Director, Car Connectivity Consortium; John Horn, President, RACO Wireless; and Chris Penrose, SVP Emerging Devices, AT&T Mobility.
The event will be structured as an open roundtable discussion that will explore the connected car opportunity and what it means for car-makers, wireless operators and mobile app developers. The panelists will look at the latest features that hold the most promise – from video and streaming music to location tracking and safety services, as well as discuss some of the challenges.
“This will be our fifth annual event at the Consumer Electronics Show. We host this event each year to provide our readers with a forum to hear about an issue impacting the industry,” said FierceWireless Editor-in-Chief, Sue Marek, who will also moderate the roundtable. “CES is an important show and we look forward to engaging our readers in a dialogue that speaks to a growing segment of the market.”
The event, which is open for registration, has limited seating and has sold out in advance in previous years. Additional information, including secure online registration, can be found at Questions regarding registration or other logistics can be directed to Rachel Mastandrea at rachel(at)fiercemarkets(dot)com or 202-824-5070.
The event is sponsored by AT&T, Ericsson, RacoWireless, and Intel. For additional sponsorships opportunities, contact Jason Nelson, publisher of FierceWireless at jason(at)fiercemarkets(dot)com.
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FierceMarkets, a wholly owned subsidiary of Questex Media Group, is a leader in B2B emedia, providing information and marketing services in the telecommunications, life sciences, healthcare, IT, energy, government, finance, and retail industries through its portfolio of email newsletters, websites, webinars and live events. Every business day, FierceMarkets' wide array of publications reaches more than 1.3 million executives in more than 100 countries.
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Kathryn Johansen, FierceMarkets, +1 (202) 824-5066, [email protected]
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