Financial Poise, The ChamberWise Education Consortium, and West LegalEdcenter to Present “Alternative Investment Basics Series ” Webinar Series for 2015
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) April 29, 2015 -- Financial Poise, The ChamberWise Education Consortium, and West LegalEdcenter are pleased to announce a joint webinar series, “Alternative Investment Basics Series” for 2015. The first episode, “Are you an Accredited Investor and If You Are, So What?” premieres on May 7, 2015 at 12pm CT.
Speakers in this series include:
• Benjamin Alexander, Greenberg Glusker Fields Claman & Machtinger LLP
• Chris Cahill, Lowis & Gellen
• Bob Carbone, CrowdBouncer
• Sara Hanks, CrowdCheck
• Mary Kohart, Elliott Greenleaf
• Huiwen Leo, CrowdCheck
• Heather Lopes, EarlyShares
• Drew Whiting, AxiaLaw
As with all Financial Poise webinars, each episode in the series is designed to be viewed independently of the other episodes: think sitcom rather than soap opera. The first episode, Are you an Accredited Investor and If You Are, So What? premieres on May 7, 2015.
The JOBS Act of 2012 lifted the ban that previously prevented private placements from being advertised. As a direct result, for the first time, millions of accredited investors are only now beginning to understand that there are investment options available to them that they never before considered. This webinar series was created for those millions of Americans who meet the federal government’s definition of “accredited investor,” to help them decide if some of their investment dollars should be allocated away from stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and the like and into the asset class that is commonly referred to as “alternatives,” which include PE, VC, Hedge funds, private placements, and hard assets (which include a wide array of things, such as gold, land, and comic books).
The other episodes in the series include those listed below.
• What is the JOBS Act and Why Should You Care? (June 4,2015)
• What is Equity Crowdfunding and Should it Matter to You? (July 9, 2015)
• Angel Groups vs. 506(c) Platforms (August 6, 2015)
• The Nuts & Bolts of Investing in a VC Fund (September 10, 2015)
• The Nuts & Bolts of Investing in Pre-IPO Shares (October 8,2015)
• The Nuts & Bolts of Investing in a PE Fund (October 29, 2015)
• The Nuts & Bolts of Hedge Fund (November 12, 2015)
• Basic Investment Principles- Form Asset Allocation to Z Scores (December 3, 2015)
Produced in conjunction with West LegalEdcenter. 1.0 CLE credit available for each webinar episode.
Click here to learn more about the webinars in this series.
About ChamberWise
ChamberWise serves as a leading resource for member education among Chambers of Commerce around the globe. ChamberWise was founded in response to the need for more dynamic and diverse member education opportunities and more efficient and immediate content delivery systems among Chambers of Commerce around the world. Our mission is to provide high quality, relevant educational content at an affordable rate, while offering Chambers of Commerce a reliable and efficient source of revenue in the process.
About Financial Poise
Financial Poise, a division of DailyDAC, LLC, produces educational webinars for three core audiences:
business owners and C-level executives, accredited investors, and their respective attorneys and other trusted advisors. Each webinar is developed and executed exclusively by professionals who are top performers in their respective fields of expertise.
About West LegalEdcenter
The cost-effective source for online and in-person legal training and CLE, West LegalEdcenter keeps attorneys up-to-date on the law and compliant with state requirements. Taught by the most prestigious names in the legal field, West LegalEdcenter covers both the core substance of law as well as hot topics in every practice area.
Amanda Florip, DailyDAC, LLC,, +1 847-553-5612, [email protected]
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