Florida Attorney Shannon J. Sagan’s 7 Smart Parking Lot Safety Tips for the Holidays
Boynton Beach, Florida (PRWEB) December 19, 2015 -- One of the last things anyone wants to experience during the holidays is a car accident, an accident with a pedestrian, or becoming a victim of a crime. It can be very dangerous for drivers and shoppers who are both entering or leaving a parking lot. The law office of Florida Attorney Shannon J. Sagan, of Shannon J. Sagan, P.A., recently shared a list of 7 parking lot safety tips to, hopefully, help reduce the number of accidents among holiday shoppers.
“We sincerely want everyone to have a great holiday and that means staying safe and accident free” commented Mr. Sagan. “We really hope our tips for parking lot safety help. This holiday season is expecting a record number of travelers and people shopping, so everyone needs to be vigilant.”
7 key points to keep in mind when staying safe in a parking lot include:
1. Be Extra Cautious When Reversing. When pulling out of parking spots looking both ways more than once and being extra cautious is a must. Back up cameras are becoming the norm for newer model cars, but it is always best to look both ways as well.
2. Park in Well Lit Areas. Unfortunately, many criminals view the holidays as an opportunity to take advantage of shoppers who may have gifts, purses, money, and are walking alone. Parking in a well lit area can deter break ins and reduce the chance of getting confronted by a criminal.
3. Backing Car In. It's much safer to pull straight out when driving in a parking lot, especially if it appears someone may be approaching the car.
4. Be Aware of Surroundings. Have a phone in hand or call someone while walking to your car. Do not text or check emails which can cause distraction. Have your eyes set on where you are going, and phone available in case of an emergency.
5. Watch out For Other Drivers. With hands full of bags, or children with you. Make sure to pay attention to other drivers who are backing out of their spot, or driving too fast in the parking lot.
6. Always Have Keys out When Walking to the Car. Keeping keys in hand not only allows you to get into the car quickly, it also gives something to strike a robber with if necessary. Furthermore, most vehicles now have a remote and or key less entry that has a panic button to push.
7. Don’t Go Alone. If possible, bring someone with you, especially now that it gets dark earlier.
Attorney Shannon J. Sagan wants everyone to be safe and enjoy the holidays.
For a free case evaluation be sure to visit http://www.1800flalawyer.com.
Shannon Sagan, Law Offices of Shannon J. Sagan, http://www.1800flalawyer.com, +1 (561) 533-7800, [email protected]
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