Flow Control Magazine, Empowering Pumps to Present the Popular Pump Guy Seminar Training Program, Oct. 14-16, In Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Birmingham, AL (PRWEB) April 30, 2014 -- Flow Control magazine and Empowering Pumps will present the Pump Guy Seminar training program, Oct. 14-16 in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Led by world-renowned pumping systems expert Larry Bachus, the Pump Guy Seminar is designed to educate attendees on the fundamental principles of efficient pumping systems design, operation, and maintenance.
Bachus, author of the wildly popular textbook "Everything You Need to Know About Pumps" (included with seminar registration) and regular contributor to Flow Control magazine, has traveled the world to present the Pump Guy Seminar and consult major industries, such as oil and gas, pulp and paper, water and wastewater, mining, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, etc. Bachus brings with him 30-plus years of experience working with industrial pumping systems. His unique training style breaks down the fundamentals of pumping systems efficiency in a way that brings those “ah ha” moments to a broad range of professionals, from operations and maintenance to engineering and general management.
The Pump Guy Seminar is designed to provide process plant engineers, managers, technicians, operators, and others involved with pumping systems technical knowledge on industrial pump design, operation and maintenance. Upon completion of this training, attendees will receive a certificate for 21 Professional Development Hours and return to work equipped with the knowledge to improve plant production via reliable pump and process piping system design.
Key topics covered during the Pump Guy Seminar include:
> Head vs. Pressure
> Absolute & Pressure Gauges
> NPSHr vs. NPSHa
> Cavitation Causes & Prevention
> The Affinity Laws
> Flow & Head
> Efficiency Formula & Application
> Power Formula & Application
> Pump Classifications
> Suction-Specific Speed
> Pump Curves vs. System Curves
> Shaft Deflection
> Pump Motor Alignment
> Bearings
> Pump Packing
> Mechanical Seals
> Pump Piping
For a full course outline and to register for the Pump Guy Seminar in Tuscaloosa, visit FlowControlNetwork.com/PumpGuy. Wondering whether the Pump Guy Seminar is for you? Check out the “Pump Guy Insights” series of video clips, featuring key lessons learned from the Pump Guy training. If you have questions or need more information about the Pump Guy Seminar, please contact Matt Migliore at Matt(at)GrandViewMedia(dot)com or 610 828-1711.
About Flow Control Magazine
Flow Control magazine is the leading source for fluid handling systems design, operation and maintenance. It focuses exclusively on technologies for effectively moving, measuring and containing liquids, gases and slurries. It aims to serve any industry where fluid handling is a requirement. Flow Control magazine, Grand View Media Group, 200 Croft St., Suite 1, Birmingham, AL 35242, FlowControl(at)GrandViewMedia(dot)com, http://www.FlowControlNetwork.com.
About Empowering Pumps
Empowering Pumps, the information and connection hub for the global pump industry, is a Partner Sponsor of the Pump Guy Seminar Series. Empowering Pumps' vision is to build a digital community through websites, eNewsletters, and social media channels that allows pump industry professionals to exchange ideas, news stories, product information, case studies, videos, event information and more. Find out more about Empowering Pumps online at http://www.empoweringpumps.com.
Matt Migliore, Flow Control Magazine, http://www.flowcontrolnetwork.com, +1 (610) 828-1711, [email protected]
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