Flu Season Has Arrived - This Austin Sports Medicine Doctor Is Educating Patients On The Flu To Keep Them Healthy And Prepared.
Austin, Texas (PRWEB) November 18, 2014 -- In most areas of the United States, winter has arrived early this year. The cold weather is a stark reminder that flu season has once again arrived. Every year, medical professionals talk of the dangers of the flu and the importance of preparing for it – but what is it exactly? The flu is an upper respiratory illness caused by a virus, which is a big deal because it can kill! The young, old, and those affected with other respiratory illnesses like asthma are the most vulnerable to it.
“There are several different versions of the virus so, unfortunately, you can catch the flu more than once in your life,” said Dr. Martha Pyron, Austin sports medicine doctor and owner of Medicine in Motion. “Each year the flu vaccine is created by health professionals for the following year. They attempt to predict which strains of the flu will be active the next year. So, the vaccine may be created for the wrong strains and, therefore, may not be affective. However, when the right strains are chosen, the flu vaccine will work to boost your immune system against those strains and help prevent you from getting the full-blown illness.”
Those who have had the flu know how bad it can be. Symptoms may include fever, chills, body aches, headache, and stuffy head/ears/nose. To avoid this, Dr. Pyron recommends getting the vaccine.
She continued, “Studies have shown that when strains in the vaccine are a good match with the ones that are circulating, vaccinated individuals have a 50 to 60 percent better chance of avoiding the flu than their unvaccinated counterparts. And according to the CDC, between 5 and 20 percent of Americans get the flu each year, and more than 200,000 are hospitalized with severe flu complications. Given all of these odds, a flu shot is worth your time.”
For those who suspect that they have the flu, it is recommended to seek medical care immediately. Certain medicines can aid in a quick recovery, but they work best if administered right after symptoms begin. Those who wait too long may lose their chance for an easier and faster recovery. Also, those who experience the flu and feel short of breath should seek medical care so that the flu doesn’t lead to even more serious complications like pneumonia.
Medicine in Motion (MIM) specializes in providing top quality sports medicine in Austin, Texas, for athletic individuals of all ages and levels. The staff at MIM believes active bodies are healthy bodies, therefore it is the office's goal to keep patients energetic and fit. To that end, MIM provides treatment of injuries and illnesses, including the use of physical rehabilitation; promotes healthy living with personal training and nutrition coaching; and offers comprehensive sports medicine evaluations to optimize health, activity level and sports performance. For more information or for questions regarding sports medicine in Austin, contact Medicine in Motion at 512-257-2500 or visit the website at http://www.medinmotion.com.
Daniel Harvell, Social Edge Solution, http://SocialEdgeSolution.com, +1 (512) 417-2036, [email protected]
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