Cincinnati, Ohio (PRWEB) April 18, 2017 -- Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) has announced that the organization will be heading back to a favorite venue for its 97th International Convention and RV Expo. Members of the RV owners group will gather at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, Georgia, March 15 through 18, 2018.
This will be FMCA’s 10th convention at this world-class facility located less than two hours south of Atlanta. Various improvements have been made to the venue over the years since FMCA’s first visit in 1996.
“There’s a reason we keep going back to Perry,” FMCA national president Charlie Adcock said. “It’s one of the best facilities we have at our disposal in terms of parking for hundreds of RVs and great space for exhibits, seminars, meetings, entertainment, and so on. The location just off Interstate 75 also factors into the picture. Thousands of snowbirds pass right by the fairgrounds each spring on their way back to their northern homes. Add to that the fantastic hospitality we enjoy from the fairgrounds staff and members of the community, and it’s pretty much the perfect place for an FMCA event.”
An FMCA convention includes an RV expo featuring hundreds of the latest motorhomes open for touring, along with booths filled with nearly every imaginable item needed to outfit an RV for travel, as well as various RV-related services.
In addition, educational opportunities abound. They’ll begin even before the event itself, with the RV Basics workshop set to take place in advance of the event opening. RV experts will lead key sessions designed for everyone from beginning RVers to those who have been RVing for a while but are looking to refresh their knowledge.
During the event itself, approximately a hundred different seminar topics will be covered — everything ranging from chassis maintenance to smartphone use while traveling.
Registration for the event in Perry is expected to begin in fall 2017. So, RV owners are invited to save the date and make plans now to join the fun.
Meanwhile, registration currently is under way for FMCA’s 96th International Convention — “Crossroads To Fun” — set to take place July 12 through 15 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds and Event Center in Indianapolis. Register online at or by calling (800) 543-3622 or (513) 474-3622. Registration for the next RV Basics workshop, scheduled for July 10 and 11 at the fairgrounds, also is under way.
FMCA is accepting registrations for exhibitors for the Indianapolis convention as well. Please contact the FMCA sales team at (800) 543-3622 or (513) 474-3622 to reserve a booth or for additional information.
Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) is an international organization for families who own and enjoy the use of self-contained, motorized recreation vehicles known as motorhomes. The association maintains its national headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, and currently has more than 70,000 active member families. FMCA offers its members a number of benefits, including a subscription to its monthly magazine, Family Motor Coaching; a medical evacuation and travel assistance program valued at $105 per family; group rates on a roadside assistance program and on motorhome and auto insurance; discounted rates for RV tours and caravans; and a tire purchasing program. Perhaps the most important benefit of FMCA membership is the camaraderie and friendships that develop among people enjoying the common interest of motorhome travel and recreation. The organization can be reached at (513) 474-3622 or (800) 543-3622 and on the Web at
Pamela Kay, FMCA,, +1 (800) 543-3622 Ext: 234, [email protected]
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