For Alzheimer's And Brain Awareness Month, Praeclarus Press Is Offering A Special Webinar With Vicki Tapia, Author Of, Somebody Stole My Iron: A Family Memoir of Dementia
Amarillo, Texas (PRWEB) June 21, 2015 -- According to the Alzheimer’s Association, in 2013, 15.5 million caregivers provided an estimated 17.7 billion hours of unpaid care. Navigating the waters of dementia can be frightening, unleashing a myriad of emotions for everyone involved, precipitating anxiety and grief, anger and frustration, extreme sadness and feelings of hopelessness. After Vicki Tapia's mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, followed closely by her father with Parkinson’s disease-related dementia, Tapia struggled to find practical, helpful information. Praeclarus Press released the memoir, Somebody Stole My Iron, in 2014 and is pleased to offer a companion webinar, Dementia Diagnosis: Caregiver Conundrum.
In Tapia's webinar, find out the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as signs of normal aging versus dementia. Take a journey through dementia awareness with stories from Vicki Tapia’s book, discuss how to recognize signs of caregiver burnout, and hear her share ideas on how to cope with caregiver guilt. Additional topics include techniques to maneuver through the behavioral changes that occur and ways to facilitate better communication with the affected person.
Listen here to Tapia in a recent radio interview, discuss part of the experience of choosing a healthcare facility for her parents. During the month of June listen to Tapia's "Dementia Diagnosis: Caregiver Conundrum" webinar for no fee. To receive access, use code PPALZ2015 when checking out in the Praeclarus Press online store.
Vicki Tapia, a breastfeeding educator for over 30 years, found her energies redirected towards the other end of life when both her parents were diagnosed with dementia. She recently retired from the pediatric clinic where she has worked since 1989 to focus on writing and other as-yet undiscovered adventures. The mother of three grown children, she lives with her husband and Mini-Schnauzer in south central Montana.
Praeclarus Press is a small press founded by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., IBCLC, FAPA and specializes in women’s health. It features books, webinars, and products that support women's health throughout their lifespan. Based in Amarillo, Texas, the mission of Praeclarus Press is to produce materials that change women’s lives.
Scott Sherwood, Praeclarus Press,, +1 806-673-3901, [email protected]
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