Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) extends SGS's accreditation to delivery Chain of Custody certification services
London, United Kingdom (PRWEB UK) 1 September 2016 -- SGS’s approval by Accreditation Services International (ASI) to conduct Forest Stewardship Council TM (FSCTM) Chain of Custody® (CoC) accreditation audits has been extended for a further five years.
Successful completion of the FSC’s re-accreditation audit process means SGS clients can continue to enjoy the benefits derived from their FSC CoC certification. (License Code FSC A000523)
SGS Hong Kong was the first certification body (CB) accredited by ASI to conduct FSC Chain of Custody audits and services in Hong Kong. The company delivers FSC CoC audits mainly in the Asia Pacific Region, particularly China, Hong Kong, Macau, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam, though its accreditation is global and services can be delivered anywhere in the world.
SGS has successfully completed the ASI re-accreditation audit and is now accredited until March 2021. This approval further enhances SGS’s reputation as a leading certification body that has the competences and capabilities to provide a wide range of forest management and CoC audit and certification services.
“ASI’s extension of our FSC Chain of Custody accreditation for a further five years is an independent endorsement of the high standards of professionalism and service we deliver,” said Christian Kobel, Global Operational Manager Forestry, Timber and Paper, SGS. “As the largest FSC certification body in Asia, we are pleased to be able to continue to deliver FSC audit and certification services to clients across the region.”
FSC is a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide and through certification creators an incentive for forest owners and managers to follow best social and environmental practices. FSC certification ensures that products come from well managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits.
FSC does not issue certificates itself. Independent Certification Bodies carry out the forest management and chain of custody assessments that lead to FSC certification. FSC sets the standards for forest management and chain of custody certification, and defines the procedures that Certification Bodies should follow their certification assessments.
Chain of custody certification applies to manufacturers, processors, and traders of FSC certified forest products. It verifies FSC certified forest products along the production chain. At each stage in the chain of processing and transformation, chain of custody certification is needed to confirm that FSC certified wood products are kept separate from uncertified products, or mixed in approved ways.
Sarah Joel, SGS United Kingdom Limited,, +44 1276 697999, [email protected]
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