Former NFL Superstars make Reservation at Mama Campisi’s Restaurant for Snoring Sleep Apnea Education and Screening
St. Louis, MO (PRWEB) December 10, 2015 -- “When a player’s athletic career ends, the level of exercise is reduced dramatically while caloric intake often remains high. This could lead to snoring and sleep apnea, along with other serious comorbidities,” said Andre Collins, Executive Director of the Professional Athletes Foundation and NFLPA Director of Former Players. “The HOPE Program provides former players with a team environment that encourages participants to adopt healthier lifestyle choices.
David Gergen, President of the Pro Player Health Alliance (PPHA), knows that millions of people are not aware how poor sleep is affecting their health and overall well-being. “We all know what loud snoring is, but may not realize it can also be a symptom of sleep apnea”, said Gergen Bad sleep habits are also responsible for many serious health problems such as drowsy driving, memory problems, Type 2 Diabetes, depression, heart disease, moodiness and even erectile dysfunction.
Former player, Larry Frost, wants all retired NFL Players in the St Louis area to take part in this free event and hear stories from former NFL players who have benefited from understanding more about their sleep health and why they are personally motivated to become so involved in educating the public.
The event location is a landmark in Saint Louis:
"Mama's on the Hill"
2132 Edwards
St Saint Louis, MO
“Recently the news has been filled with sleep related deaths that can be linked directly to sleep apnea,” said Gergen. “These we know about because of their high public visibility but we know that there are thousands upon thousands of deaths that don’t make the news each year. The majority of these thousands of deaths are everyday people who walked through their dentist or primary care physicians doors unscreened and untested.”
Also attending the event will be American Sleep and Breathing Academy health experts and dentists Bill Busch DDS, Jay Ohmes DDS and Kevin Postol DDS, who will be available to answer sleep health related questions and offer recommendations as to best practices and treatment. Sleep health screening using the Nox T3 by CareFusion home sleep diagnostic device and if indicated a ZQuiet anti-snoring mouthpiece will be provided at no charge as part of the screening. All data collected will be submitted to the Hope program for inclusion in the Living Heart Foundation sleep research program.
Pro Player Health Alliance (PPHA) is an organization dedicated to helping former NFL players, providing testing and treatment options for those who suffer from sleep apnea. Since launching in April 2012, over 260 players have been treated through PPHA's "Tackle Sleep Apnea" campaign. The PPHA works closely with the American Sleep and Breathing Academy and is dedicated to improving health and wellness through sleep education and advocacy.
The Living Heart Foundation (LHF) is a nonprofit organization under IRS 501 (c) (3) code. The LHF was initially funded by a grant from the Edison Foundation. Subsequently, Funding sources and donations have been obtained from companies like Covidien, Pfizer, Meridian Health System, Siemens, Professional Athletes Foundation, and from individual sources. The LHF was established by Arthur J. Roberts, MD in April 2001 to combat sudden cardiac death and to provide cardiovascular risk stratification with early preventive intervention for cardiac, pulmonary, and metabolic conditions through on-site screening and integrated follow-up health programs. The LHF has published 10 peer review papers related to CV risk in college students & athletes, as well as former NFL athletes.
The ASBA provides networking opportunities with other members and organizations, lobbying for improved reimbursements while seeking to lower ever escalating health care provider costs, and discounts on educational events, products and accreditations for its members. This organization will help members more affordably lead the way to a new frontier in sleep medicine with the end goal to improve patient care through education for sleep professionals, sleep centers, patients and the community at large.
Sleeping Well, LLC (ZQuiet’s parent company) was founded in 2008 by a husband and wife seeking a solution for the chronic snoring problem that was literally ruining their marriage and impacting their health. They brought to market ZQuiet, an anti-snoring mouthpiece, that simplifies the treatment experience for sleep disordered breathing, and delivers an innovative, inexpensive and immediate treatment for snoring as a starting point for the professional continuum of care for all forms of sleep disordered breathing. ZQuiet offers a full suite of oral appliances to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
Pro Player Health Alliance
David Gergen
Living Heart Foundation
Erich Sandoval – Lazar Partners
American Sleep and Breathing Academy
Alan Hickey
Daniel Webster
SOURCE Pro Player Health Alliance
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Alan Hickey,, +1 714-296-5151, [email protected]
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