Former SeaWorld Killer Whale Trainer Says “Blackfish” Is A Lie
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 23, 2014 -- Former SeaWorld senior killer whale trainer, Kyle Kittleson, has published a video and article in response to the controversial documentary, “Blackfish.” Kittleson offers personal insight and experience as a trainer at SeaWorld, having worked with many of the orcas directly profiled in the film.
Kittleson has five years experience as a marine mammal trainer working at both Sea Life Park -Hawaii and SeaWorld Orlando with penguins, seals, sea lions, dolphins, pilot whales, false killer whales and killer whales.
In his response, Kittleson urges audiences to do their own research and really dig into the issues from all sides before making a judgment against SeaWorld. He points out that people need to remember that the power of Hollywood is to make viewers feel a certain way, regardless of the truth.
“I can say with certainty that the animals at SeaWorld are some of the luckiest animals in the world. They have access to a world-class vet staff, plenty of food and are cared for by passionate and talented trainers,” said Kittleson. “The lies told in Blackfish are just that, lies.”
Kittleson is just one of many current and former trainers who have taken a stand against “Blackfish” in an attempt to tell the truth about training and animal treatment at SeaWorld. Additionally, as an expert in the field, Kittleson has been vocal against the capture of wild orcas for display at the Sochi aquarium during the Olympic Games. To see the video and read Kittleson’s full article visit:
About Kyle Kittleson
Kyle Kittleson is a TV host, author, animal behaviorist and former marine mammal trainer. He has worked at Sea Life Park - Hawaii and Orlando and own and operated a dog training company for three years before moving to Los Angeles. His book, “Wear a Wetsuit at Work: How You can Become a Marine Mammal Trainer,” strives to give insight and help aspiring trainers enter the competitive field.
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Media Contact: Amber Liptai | Martz Parsons | aliptai(at)martzparsons(dot)com | 480-998-3154
Amber Liptai, Martz Parsons, +1 (480) 344-0163, [email protected]
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