Fresh Patch Company Says Dog-Friendly Community Can Boost Shop Small Saturday and Cyber Monday
Orlando, FL (PRWEB) October 24, 2013 -- Two important days are approaching for support of the small business community–locally and on-line. Shop Small Saturday will occur November 30, followed by Cyber Monday, on November 2. Both these days are on the heels of Thanksgiving, when Americans go into full-speed shopping mode for the December holidays.
According to the Fresh Patch Company--maker of the real-grass disposable dog potty--the dog-friendly community can help to make these events a success. Dog owners can take advantage of some great deals for their pets, while showing support for dog-focused small businesses that sell locally and on-line.
By supporting these events, the dog-friendly community can play a key role in helping small businesses penetrate the robust pet products market, says the Fresh Patch Company. According to the American Pet Products Association, market research sources indicate that Americans will spend nearly $56 billion on their pets in 2013.
While the pet product industry is certainly robust, the Company notes the difficulties it and other small businesses face in establishing a brand in order to gain a share of that market. The high cost of advertising is the biggest obstacle, says the Company. Shop Small Saturday and Cyber Monday help to address that problem by focusing national attention, respectively, on small businesses and on-line businesses, many of which are small.
Small businesses desperately need to garner sales in order to survive and grow, says the Fresh Patch Company. “That way, they can create jobs, pay taxes, develop innovations, and contribute in many other ways to the American economy. The American Express Company, founder of Small Business Saturday, says it well: Small Businesses are the Heartbeat of Our Communities.”
Media Relations, Fresh Patch,, +1 (888) 814-2670, [email protected]
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