From Earthly Riches to Rags, Helena Lewis Shares Discovery of Heavenly Riches
SEOUL, South Korea (PRWEB) December 18, 2015 -- Helena Lewis had everything: wealth, status and pride during Korea’s years of modernization. Armed with logic, she rejected religion as nonsense, but when she lost it all she discovered that faith and grace brought the truth and joy she so desperately sought.
In her true tale, “A Waltz of Grace: A Pianist’s Journey through Hardships, Her Discovery of Faith, and Life with God” (published by WestBow Press), Lewis shares her personal journey from riches to rags and how faith helped her rebuild her life. Through dramatic episodes in her life, Lewis introduces Christian themes and biblical explanations that are easy to understand.
“It introduces Christian values based on my unique testimony as well as theories of science, philosophy and other subjects of my interest which helped me understand God more,” Lewis explains.
By sharing her story with the world, Lewis hopes readers, “will meet God and become inspired to read more of the Bible to transform their lives.”
“A Waltz of Grace”
By Helena Lewis
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 212 pages | ISBN 9781490877044
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 212 pages | ISBN 9781490877051
E-Book | 212 pages | ISBN 9781490877068
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Helena Lewis is a Korean-born pianist. Other than performing, she has directed large-scale concerts at major music venues in Korea. She is currently training to practice music therapy.
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