Geology Educational App Appears for HoloLens
Moscow (PRWEB) September 02, 2016 -- As you can see in the demonstration of the geology app Microsoft HoloLens has the ability not only to “project” a virtual image, but also to tell a story by interacting with the user and obeying voice commands. This allows students to grasp the intricacies of scientific knowledge while controlling the pace of the lesson. It also gives teachers a unique tool for explaining complex phenomena and processes that are difficult to explain verbally. As a result, complex knowledge becomes easy-to-grasp, and student involvement increases, improving the quality of education. “HoloLens has potential to revolutionize education by bringing 3D content into the real world” says Professor Mark Griswold from Case Western University, where anatomy is already being taught using HoloLens.
HoloGroup plans to complete a full suite of educational applications, called “HoloStudy”, in the next six months. The company plans to release lessons on geology, physics, chemistry and biology. According to Alex Yakubov, CEO and founder of HoloGroup, the company is seeking opportunities to collaborate with educational institutions to introduce mixed reality applications to their education programs.
HoloGroup is a private held company that focuses on HoloLens application development. “HoloStudy” is a set of educational applications from HoloGroup devoted to geology, physics, chemistry and biology.
Michael Kirich, HoloGroup,, +7 9264319427, [email protected]
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