Get Your CME Credits at the Cleveland PAINWeekEnd Conference June 24: Pain Management for the Main Street Practitioner
Montclair, NJ (PRWEB) June 01, 2017 -- PAINWeekEnd (PWE) on June 24 at the Hilton Cleveland Downtown, 100 Lakeside Avenue East, will be an educational and exciting full-day program providing busy clinicians and allied healthcare practitioners with 6.0 hours of relevant, practical instruction in the management of chronic pain. In the state of Ohio, any physician operating a pain management clinic must complete at least 20 hours of Category 1 CME in pain medicine every 2 years.
An attendee at the Kansas City PAINWeekEnd said of presenter Thomas Gregory, PharmD, CPE, that he “Spoke from his own experience. Was smart and knew the real world. I enjoyed both of his lectures very much.” Dr. Gregory will be presenting his 2 courses—Rational Polypharmacy and Back to Basics: The Role of Chronic Opioids for Chronic Pain—at PWE Cleveland. Other courses include (and are subject to change) Chronic Pain Assessment; The Complex Pain Patient; When Acute Pain Becomes Chronic; and Cost Containment.
Dr. Gregory and copresenters John F. Peppin, DO, FACP, and Darren McCoy, FNP-BC, CPE, will be on hand to answer questions and discuss information in the presentations.
Commercially supported activities addressing a range of product, disease state, and medical information topics will also be presented. Online registration fee for this PAINWeekEnd Conference: $129. PAINWeekEnd registrants may register for the PAINWeek National Conference, September 5-9, in Las Vegas, for $200 off the current online published price.
PAINWeekEnd is provided by Global Education Group. About Global Education Group:
Global Education Group focuses on producing partnership-based CME for healthcare practitioners. The Global team works with a select group of medical education companies, associations, academic institutions and healthcare facilities to develop and accredit live healthcare conferences and workshops as well as online activities. With each partnership or joint providership, Global brings accreditation expertise, project management excellence and grant funding intelligence. Based in Littleton, Colo., Global has accreditation with commendation from the ACCME. Global also holds accreditations to offer continuing education for nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, dietitians, dentists and psychologists. Global is a division of Ultimate Medical Academy.
Holly Caster, PAINWeek,, +1 973-415-5104, [email protected]
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