GetUWired releases educational blog "10 Reasons Animation is Perfect for Small Business Video Marketing"
(PRWEB) February 10, 2015 -- GetUWired, a small business Internet marketing firm, has just released a blog titled "10 Reasons Animation is Perfect for Small Business Video Marketing." The blog details several facts about the effectiveness of video marketing for small businesses. The blog can be seen here.
In the blog, the author discusses why animation is a smart choice for small business video marketing because it is affordable, engaging, and gives a much more professional impression than the low-budget videos most small businesses can afford.
10 Reasons Animation is Perfect for Small Business Video Marketing
1. Animated videos are cheaper than professionally produced live action videos.
2. Where live action videos are limited by actors and sets, animation videos are nearly limitless. Animation is limited only by the images that can be found or created.
3. Watching a video increases customers' understanding of a product or service by 74%.
4. After watching a company's video, 75% of viewers will visit the company's website.
5. 90% of people say videos are helpful in the decision-making process.
6. A website is 50 times more likely to show up on the first page of search engine results if it includes a video.
7. When videos are included in an email marketing campaign, subscriber-to-lead conversion rates increase 51%.
8. Including a video in an introductory email increases the click-through rate by 96%.
9. 20% of online visitors will read the content of a page entirely, but 80% will watch a video.
10. Including videos in an email marketing campaign increases the click-through rate by over 100%.
For more information, visit or call 877-236-9094 today.
Lee Goff, GetUWired,, 877-236-9094, [email protected]
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