Global Thermal Policy Handbook 2013
London (PRWEB) October 28, 2013 -- Global Thermal Policy Handbook 2013
GlobalData’s "Global Thermal Policy Handbook 2013” gives detailed information on the major thermal energy policies, across the major countries US, the UK, Germany, Russia, Japan, South Africa, China, India, Indonesia and South Korea . The report provides the current and future thermal energy targets and plans along with the present policy framework, giving a fair idea of overall growth potential of their thermal energy industry. The report also provides specific policies and incentives provided in each of these countries for adopting cleaner and efficient fossil fuel technologies.
-The report details promotional measures in different countries for improving energy efficiency and energy security, lowering green house gas emissions in the power sector and encouraging the adoption of efficient fossil fuel technologies.
-The report also highlights the differences and focus of the thermal energy policy frameworks in different countries at the global level.
-The report provides a platform for comparison of various thermal energy policies across countries. Major countries include the US, the UK, Germany, Russia, Japan, China, South Africa, India, Indonesia and South Korea.
Reasons to buy
The report will enhance your decision making capability in a more rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow you to -
-Develop business strategies with the help of specific insights about policy decisions being taken on thermal energy by different markets.
-Identify opportunities and challenges in exploiting the efficient fossil fuel technologies.
-Increase future revenue and profitability with the help of insights on the future opportunities and critical success factors in the thermal energy market.
-Be ahead of competition by keeping yourself abreast of all the latest policy changes.
Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 4
1.1 List of Tables 12
1.2 List of Figures 12
2 Introduction 13
2.1 GlobalData Report Guidance 13
3 Thermal Power Regulations, The US 14
3.1 Overview 14
3.2 Thermal Energy Regulatory Framework, the US, Overview 15
3.3 The US Thermal Power Policies and Incentives 16
3.3.1 Clean Air Act 16
3.3.2 Energy Policy Act of 2005 20
3.3.3 Green House Gas Reporting Rule 23
3.3.4 Power Plant Improvement Initiative 24
3.3.5 Clean Energy Standard Act 24
3.3.6 Coal Combustion Residual Rule 26
3.3.7 FutureGen 2.0 Project 26
3.3.8 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative 27
3.3.9 Innovations for Existing Plants Program: Carbon Dioxide Capture 27
3.3.10 Renewable Portfolio Standard 28
3.3.11 Climate Change Technology Program 28
3.3.12 Cross State Air Pollution Rule 28
3.3.13 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 29
4 Thermal Power Regulations, The UK 30
4.1 Overview 30
4.2 Thermal Energy Regulatory Framework, the UK, Overview 30
4.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Thermal Power 31
4.3.1 Climate Change Act 2008 31
4.3.2 Electricity Market Reform 2011 32
4.3.3 CCS Commercialization Competition 33
4.3.4 Energy Act of 2008 33
4.3.5 Energy Act 2010 34
4.3.6 UK Low Carbon Transition Plan 34
4.3.7 Climate Change Programme 2000 35
4.3.8 Climate Change Levy 36
4.3.9 Climate Change Agreement 36
4.3.10 The Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance Scheme 37
4.3.11 UK Waste Strategy of 2007 37
4.3.12 British Electricity Trading and Transmission Arrangements 38
4.3.13 Enhanced Capital Allowance 39
4.3.14 The Carbon plan 39
4.3.15 Carbon Price Floor 40
4.3.16 Energy Efficiency Action Plan 42
5 Thermal Power Regulation, Germany 43
5.1 Overview 43
5.2 Thermal Energy Regulatory Framework, Germany, Major Policies 43
5.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Thermal Power 45
5.3.1 German Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Law 45
5.3.2 National Allocation Plan 46
5.3.3 Allocation Act, 2007 47
5.3.4 Allocation Act, 2012 48
5.3.5 Emission Allowances Auction Ordinance 2012 48
5.3.6 Combined Heat and Power Law 48
5.3.7 German Carbon Capture and Storage Law 50
5.3.8 Large Combustion Plant Directive 51
5.3.9 Initiatives towards Reducing Greenhouse and Carbon Dioxide Emissions 51
5.3.10 Grid Expansion Acceleration Act 52
5.3.11 Target Grid 2050 52
6 Thermal Power Regulation, Russian Federation 53
6.1 Overview 53
6.1.1 Market Restructuring 53
6.2 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Thermal Power 54
6.2.1 Climate Doctrine of Russia 54
6.2.2 Energy Strategy to 2030 55
6.2.3 Energy Intensity Reduction Program 56
6.2.4 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 35_FZ 56
6.2.5 Federal Law No. 36-FZ 56
6.2.6 Federal Law No. 250 - FZ 57
6.2.7 Federal Law No. 261-FZ “On Saving Energy and Increasing Energy Efficiency, and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” 57
6.2.8 The State Program on Energy Efficiency and Energy Sector Development in 2013-2020 58
7 Thermal Power Regulation, Japan 60
7.1 Overview 60
7.2 Thermal Energy Regulatory Framework, Japan, Overview 61
7.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Thermal Power 62
7.3.1 Japan Energy Policy 62
7.3.2 Revised Energy Conservation Act (2008) 64
7.3.3 Kyoto Target Achievement Plan 65
7.3.4 Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan 66
8 Thermal Power Regulations, South Africa 67
8.1 Overview 67
8.2 Thermal Energy Regulatory Framework, South Africa, Overview 67
8.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Thermal Power 68
8.3.1 Integrated National Electrification Plan 68
8.3.2 Integrated Energy Plan 68
8.3.3 Integrated Resource Plan 69
8.3.4 Independent System and Market Operator Bill 70
8.3.5 White Paper on Energy Policy of 1998 70
8.3.6 National Energy Efficiency Strategy 71
8.3.7 Energy Efficiency Accord 74
8.3.8 The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 75
8.3.9 Ambient Air Quality Act, 2010 75
8.3.10 National Energy Act No. 34 of 2008 76
8.3.11 Electricity Regulation Act 77
8.3.12 New Build Program 77
8.3.13 Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management Program 77
8.3.14 Electricity Act 78
8.3.15 Eskom Conversion Act of 2001 78
8.3.16 The White Paper on Renewable Energy 79
8.3.17 Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act (No. 45 of 1965) 80
8.3.18 National Response to South Africa’s Electricity Shortage 80
8.3.19 National Climate Change Response Policy 80
9 Thermal Power Regulations, China 82
9.1 Overview 82
9.2 Thermal Energy Regulatory Framework, China, Overview 82
9.3 China Thermal Power Policies and Incentives 83
9.3.1 Electricity Act of 1995 83
9.3.2 Large Substitute for Small Program 84
9.3.3 Energy Conservation Power Generation Scheduling 85
9.3.4 Low Carbon Development Zones 85
9.3.5 New Emission Standards 87
9.3.6 Renewable Energy Law 88
9.3.7 Energy Conservation Law 89
9.3.8 Electricity Pricing Mechanism 89
9.3.9 China Energy Conditions and Policies 90
9.3.10 Asia-Pacific Partnership for Clean Development Climate 91
9.3.11 Energy and Carbon Intensity Targets 92
9.3.12 12th FYP for Energy Development 94
9.3.13 Investment System Reform Decision of 2004 95
9.3.14 National Climate Change Program 95
9.3.15 Electricity Reforms 96
9.3.16 Coal Pricing for Power Generation 97
9.3.17 Agenda 21 97
9.3.18 Ten Key Projects Program 98
9.3.19 12th FYP Installed Capacity Targets 98
9.3.20 Energy Policy of 2012 99
9.3.21 Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law 99
9.3.22 Catalog for Foreign Investment 100
9.3.23 Coal-fired Electric Generating Units Desulphurization Operation and Management Plan (Draft) 101
9.3.24 Denitrification Subsidy 102
9.3.25 Pollution Levy on Sulfur Dioxide Emissions 102
9.3.26 Notice on Fossil-fired Power Plant NOx Emission Prevention and Treatment Policy 102
9.3.27 Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law 103
10 Thermal Power Regulations, India 104
10.1 Overview 104
10.2 Thermal Energy Regulatory Framework, India, Overview 105
10.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Thermal Power 106
10.3.1 Integrated Energy Policy 106
10.3.2 12th Five Year Plan 107
10.3.3 13th Five Year Plan 107
10.3.4 Electricity Act of 2003 107
10.3.5 Ultra Mega Power Project Scheme 109
10.3.6 Mega Power Policy 109
10.3.7 Section 80 IA of the Income Tax Act of 1961 111
10.3.8 Foreign Direct Investment in the Power Sector 111
10.3.9 Coal Linkage Policy for 12th Five Year Plan 112
10.3.10 National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency 112
10.3.11 National Power Grid 113
10.3.12 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana Program 113
10.3.13 National Tariff Policy 114
10.3.14 Tariff Regulation, 2009-2014 114
10.3.15 Clean Development Mechanism 116
10.3.16 National Mission for Development of Clean Coal Technologies 117
10.3.17 Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Program 117
10.3.18 Bulk Tendering 118
10.3.19 Indian Electrical Equipment Industry Mission Plan 119
10.3.20 Import Duties on Fossil Fuel 120
10.3.21 New Coal Distribution Policy 120
10.3.22 National Electricity Policy, 2005 122
11 Thermal Power Regulations, Indonesia 124
11.1 Overview 124
11.2 Thermal Energy Regulatory Framework, Indonesia, Overview 124
11.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Thermal Power 125
11.3.1 Investment Law 125
11.3.2 Environmental Law of 2009 126
11.3.3 National Electricity General Plan, 2012-2031 127
11.3.4 Law No 13/2010 127
11.3.5 Infrastructure Financing Fund 127
11.3.6 Indonesian Infrastructure Guarantee Fund 128
11.3.7 Regulation No. 139 of 2011 128
11.3.8 Electricity Tariffs 129
11.3.9 Electricity Law of 2009 129
11.3.10 The Energy Law No 30/2007 131
11.3.11 Presidential Decree No. 71/2006: Fast Track Program I 131
11.3.12 Presidential Decree No. 04/2010: Fast Track Program II 132
11.3.13 National Energy Policy of 2006 132
11.3.14 The National Energy Management Blueprint 2005-2025 133
11.3.15 Regulation No. 26/2006 133
11.3.16 Regulation No. 04/2007 133
11.3.17 Regulation No. 05/2009 134
11.3.18 Regulation No. 48/2010 134
11.3.19 Medium Term Development Plan (2010-2014) 135
11.3.20 Emission Standards 135
11.3.21 National Coal Policy 136
12 Thermal Power Regulation, South Korea 137
12.1 Overview 137
12.2 Thermal Energy Regulatory Framework, South Korea, Overview 138
12.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Thermal Power 138
12.3.1 Integrated Energy Supply Act (1999) 138
12.3.2 National Basic Energy Plan 2008-2030 139
12.3.3 National Strategy for Low Carbon, Green Growth, 2050 139
12.3.4 GHG Emissions Trade Program Developments 141
12.3.5 The Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth 2010 141
12.3.6 Republic of Korea’s Coal Industry Rationalization Act 142
12.3.7 Security of Natural Gas and Coal 142
13 Appendix 143
13.1 Market Definitions 143
13.1.1 Power 143
13.1.2 Installed Capacity 143
13.1.3 Electricity Generation 143
13.1.4 Thermal Power Plant 143
13.1.5 Nuclear Power 143
13.1.6 Renewable Energy Resources 143
13.2 Abbreviations 144
13.3 Bibliography 149
13.4 Methodology 153
13.4.1 Coverage 153
13.4.2 Secondary Research 154
13.4.3 Primary Research 154
13.5 Disclaimer 155
List of Tables
Table 1: Thermal Power Policy Handbook, the US, NAAQS, 2011 17
Table 2: Thermal Power Policy Handbook, United States, CESA 25
Table 3: Thermal Power Policy Handbook, UK, Climate Change Act 2008, Carbon Budgets 31
Table 4: Thermal Power Policy Handbook, UK, Carbon Support Prices Rates, 2013-2018 41
Table 5: Thermal Power Policy Handbook, South Africa, Major Targets of National Energy Efficiency Strategy, 2012 72
Table 6: Thermal Power Policy Handbook, South Africa, Major Instruments to Achieve Targets, National Energy Efficiency Strategy, 2012 73
Table 7: Thermal Policy Handbook, China, Focus Areas of Low Carbon Development Zones 86
Table 8: Thermal Policy Handbook, China, Emission Standards (mg/m3), 2012 87
Table 9: Thermal Policy Handbook, China, Energy Intensity Targets per Unit GDP, %, 2006-2015 93
Table 10: Thermal Policy Handbook, India, O&M Cost for Thermal Power Plants ($‘000/MW), 2009-2014 115
Table 11: Thermal Policy Handbook, India, Reduction Factor for Multiple Units, 2009-2014 116
Table 12: Thermal Policy Handbook, Indonesia, Emission Standards, mg/m3, 1996-2000 (onwards) 136
Table 13: Abbreviations 144
Table 14: Bibliography 149
List of Figures
Figure 1: NAP I, Geographical Distribution of Emission Allowance, 2005-2007 46
Figure 2: Thermal Policy Handbook, China, Electricity Pricing Mechanism 90
Read the full report:
Global Thermal Policy Handbook 2013
For more information:
Sarah Smith
Research Advisor at
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 208 816 85 48
Sarah Smith, Research Advisor at, +44 208 816 85 48, [email protected]
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