Glytamins Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse: The Convenient Fast Cleansing Procedure for Your Important Organs
(PRWEB) July 25, 2013 -- In today’s fast-paced and hectic lifestyle, you cannot avoid but trade eating healthy food with something that is more convenient and accessible like fast food. And yes, this may be advantageous to your schedule but the long-term effect of this is nutritional deficiency which can be detrimental to your health.
Over time, nutritional deficiency can affect your immune system, organs and health of your body in a detrimental way. This article will address the liver and gallbladder. These two organs, with the help of the colon, aid in the digestion of food so that you may better absorb the nutrients.
Here comes the Bile
You may have heard about bile in your health subjects. However, it may not have been explained thoroughly. The bile is the green alkaline liquid that is produced by the liver to digest food. It is stored in the gall bladder, a muscular sac, and is released when food needs to be digested. There is about a liter of bile a day that is stored in your gall bladder. When the bile is excreted by the gall bladder, it then flows through the common bile duct and into the small intestines where it mixes with the food and digests it. Now, if you have nutritional deficiency coupled with toxins that you ingest into your body, your bile will thicken. When this coagulates, it forms into a biliary sludge and then into gall stones.
What happens when you have gall stones?
Since bile is alkaline, it has the ability to neutralize the acidity of food and the hydrochloric acid released by the stomach, preventing it from burning the small and large intestines. Inevitably, you will experience different digestive disorders like heartburn, ulcers, indigestion and others if gallstones block its flow.
Additionally, bile is our body’s natural emulsifier. Through it, fat-soluble toxins that are found in the food you eat are flushed from the body. However, if your bile is too thick, it can lay the ground for gall stones leading to gall stone attacks, which can be extremely painful and lead to surgery with the proper understanding of how to correct this unfortunate situation.
A third problem that can arise from having gallstones in the liver and gallbladder is the possibility of the bile to back up to the pancreas and liver. The long-term effects may include acid reflux, diabetes, cancer, and hepatitis.
Don’t worry, as you can treat these problems and more. Let’s start with gallstones.
There are many ways to treat gall stones that may range from a simple liver and gallbladder cleanse to a more complicated surgical removal of gallstones. However, one of the best way to treat such a problem is already available in the market today with Glytamins Suppositories.
What are Glytamins Suppositories?
Glytamins Suppositories are a more convenient way to perform liver gallbladder cleanse as it is in suppository form. Unlike the regular Epsom salt / olive oil cleanse that you need to prepare at home, Glytamins can be administered anytime. You simply have to insert it into the rectum.
Its missile-shape makes it easy for the medicine to go through the opening painlessly. Once it comes in contact with body temperature, it dissolves and the components are absorbed into the bloodstream. With that, you are spared from the distaste brought about by oral remedies.
Glytamins are also better absorbed by the kidney, liver and gallbladder because the rectum, through which it is inserted, is much closer to these organs. Thus, it allows faster and better absorption. The components of other oral remedies may be used first by other organs, leaving little or none at all for the aforementioned organs.
How to use Glytamins?
Here are some steps to help you administer Glytamins Suppositories.
1. Empty your bowel if possible. Read the label to make sure you have the right remedy.
2. Wash your hands then lie on the bed. Lie on your left side if you are right-handed and on your right side if you are left-handed.
3. Insert the suppository with the pointed tip first into the rectum. Make sure you are relaxed so it slides through easily. Bring your finger about one to two inches inside your rectum and hold it in place for a few seconds.
4. Remove your finger and you can go to sleep or enjoy your day.
5. Don’t move your bowel within the next 30 minutes
6. There is no reason to eliminate the suppository until your next bowel movement.
Paul Fitzgerald, Balanced Health Today,, 1-888-277-4980, [email protected]
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