GOptions Rewrites Affiliate Marketing
(PRWEB) January 27, 2014 -- Over the last 3 months, GOptions’ very own affiliate network better know as the GOptions Partners Program has been making waves in the media and affiliation industry. While initially strictly based on very fast payouts and higher CPA payments, the company has evolved into a network capable of doing more than just providing affiliates timely payouts. The affiliate marketing industry is one of the largest online and GOptions Partners are based primarily on the ability of other web site owners to drive traffic to their web site “”. The defining attribute of the affiliate program here is that the little web site can make a profit as well.
Unlike other affiliate programs based on limiting the focus of affiliates strictly to web traffic, Goptions has opened itself up to everything from print ads, face to face introductions and referrals, web site traffic, and television ads. The fact is, the company simply allows it all to run on their platform with the technology in the background capable of managing the media of the widest array of affiliates in this niche market. With the ability to simply create a link and launch into the space of choice, the marketer using the platform is able to properly track his or her progress in real time. Most other systems are based on big delays making the little guys, who are far more sensitive to any potential loss with a closer tie in to reality. Without the worry of lost tracking and slipping figures, smaller affiliates are able to get involved promoting products they never before thought possible.
Most small affiliates base their traffic on e-commerce and retail products because the conversion rates are in the double digits. So if you only tend to see a few hundred visitors on your site on any given day, the ability to sell a few tens of pairs of socks via JCPenny is quite lucrative. But in those scenarios, the affiliate stands to make pennies on each sale. With the GOptions partners program, affiliate marketers rate going to see similar conversions with payouts of up to $500 per conversion. That’s a huge turn around.
According To Sebastien Freemore, “the affiliate programs geared towards retail are fantastic for general traffic. But with payouts amounting to pennies on each dollar sold, it’s very difficult to turn a profit. With our platform, the little guy stands a chance. That same traffic is able to turn around and even if only 1 converts per day, you are already well ahead of any conversion rate you’ll see in retail. As someone who spent years in affiliation for the download market, I can tell you that there’s nothing better than seeing a few hundred conversions in a day. But if the payout is a few hundred bucks, the effort just doesn’t make sense.”
The GOptions partners program is available to anyone in the world and accepts traffic from the globe over.
Lee More,,, 44-2036081331, [email protected]
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