GPM Global to Provide Award Winning PRiSM Method to Village Green Global Sustainable Development Projects in Pasman Island, Croatia and Russell Islands, Solomon Islands
Detroit, MI / Irvine, CA (PRWEB) April 18, 2017 -- The two key initiatives will be supported by the GPM Global Centre of Excellence and utilize their award-winning PRiSM method as the project management approach.
The first project, Pasman Island, Croatia is a $76 Million USD initiative to generate affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy, to spur economic growth. The project will result in a “Green Town” that will raise the bar for regional innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities.
The second project, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands is a $135 Million USD project involving the rehabilitation of coconut harvesting and production facilities, replanting of plantations, school, hospital, port and airfield upgrades to improve the quality of life for the local communities. This initiative is the first stage in a multi-phased approach to providing decent work and economic growth, good health and well-being, and quality education to the region in support of the local tribes.
Doug Smith – CEO and Founder of VGG stated “As advocates for the 2030 sustainable development goals, it is vital to us that value creation serves as the central axis of everything we do. Partnering with GPM, the pioneer of sustainable project management ensures that the processes we employ in our projects are principle based, value focused and drive sustainable outcomes."
About GPM Global As the world’s foremost authority for sustainable project management, GPM is a social enterprise focused on evolving the project profession through principled and value-based methods. From their multiple award-winning standards to their training, assessments, and certifications, they are a key driver of sustainable business and the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs).
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About Village Green Global Inc. VGG designs, implements and arranges funding for the most technologically advanced energy efficiency projects in the global marketplace, through our innovative Energy Services Agreement (ESA). Our projects are designed and funded off balance sheet, with no out-of-pocket costs to our customers. All clients realize maximum energy and financial savings beginning the first year, through our transparent project development and funding services, rapid project implementation, and lifetime maintenance coverage of our ESA.
For more information, please contact Doug Smith at: [email protected]
Joel Carboni, [email protected],, +1 (260) 580-6353, [email protected]
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