Grantmamas Publishes eBook: "Are You Controlling Your Family’s Schedule, or Is It Controlling You?"
Morris, Illinois (PRWEB) January 13, 2015 -- Grantmamas, a social learning company, published the eBook, "Are You Controlling Your Family’s Schedule, or Is It Controlling You?" to take a hard look at three questions parents ask themselves:
1. Are we overscheduling our children? How much is too much?
2. What tools can help our family better organize our schedules and lives?
3. What can we do to make family time together more enjoyable?
“So many parents feel guilty because they can’t seem to find enough quality time to spend with their children. They’re frustrated because they feel like their schedules are controlling them, instead of them controlling their schedules,” said Toni Rockis, co-founder of Grantmamas. “Additionally, a lot of parents are concerned that they’re overscheduling their children. This eBook provides a ton of very practical information and easy-to-use tools to help parents address these challenging issues.”
This eBook provides tools to help you get organized, realistically manage your family’s schedule, and enjoy family time together. Additionally, it contains seven user-friendly printable resources including:
• Get Your Family Organized by Creating a Family Command Center – Step-by-step instructions on how to create a family command center to keep track of paperwork, mail, bills, chores, and lots more.
• Monthly Calendar – Fill-in calendar to help with scheduling and keeping everyone’s activities straight.
• Meals for the Week - Weekly meal planning calendar including space for a shopping list.
• 20 Questions to Get Your Child Chatting – Conversation starters parents can use to chat with their children.
• Is Your Child Stressed? – How to read clues and signs that might indicate your child is anxious or stressed, and five things parents can do to ease anxiety.
• How is Your Family Spending Its Time? – A family completes an easy exercise to determine how much time they’re spending on certain activities during the week.
• Family Fun Ideas – 10 activities to make family time more enjoyable and rewarding.
For a limited time, the eBook is $4.99 and is available for purchase on
To purchase the eBook please visit:
Grantmamas created an infographic that highlights resources and tools to better organize family schedules. The infographic includes apps to better manage homework and chores, an overview on family command centers, and a breakdown on how families spend their 168 hours each week.
For more information on Grantmamas, visit While you’re there, sign up to receive valuable information about our innovative online grant writing training for parents and to receive resources on parental involvement.
About Grantmamas:
Grantmamas, was founded in 2013 to provide mothers and community members with training and expertise to prepare smaller foundation grant proposals to bring funds and resources into their children’s schools. Through online video training, Grantmamas members learn how to write proposals, how to efficiently collaborate with teachers and principals, and how to effectively request money from foundations.
Christine Linder, Grantmamas, 314-650-7580, [email protected]
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