Great Place to Work(R) Releases the List of "100 Best Workplaces for Women"
(PRWEB) September 30, 2015 -- Great Place to Work(R) Institute, Inc., the global authority on high-trust, high-performance cultures, analyzed employee surveys from 637 companies and is proud to announce the resulting list of the 100 Best Workplaces for Women published today by Fortune magazine.
"Companies on this list are, first and foremost, outstanding places for employees to come to work," said Kim Peters of Great Place to Work(R). "The workforce at the 100 Best Workplaces for Women averages 53 percent female and its leaders offer women a more consistently fair and inclusive workplace, especially around decision-making."
At no. 1 on the list, TrueWealth rewards employees with profit-sharing, premium-free health insurance and company-sponsored happy hours to create a work environment where the vast majority of women employees feel they receive a fair share of the company's financial success. Likewise, organizations on the list as diverse as CHG Healthcare Services and boutique PR firm Kulesa Faul demonstrate the benefits of regular interaction between team members and senior leaders through training and day-to-day feedback on employees' workplace experience.
A closer look at the companies that made the list also reveals:
-- Women hold a larger share of management positions at the 100 Best companies compared to their peers. Among the 100 Best, women held a grand average of 52 percent of management roles, compared to 45 percent among all eligible companies. In the C-suite, women at companies on the list held a grand average of 39 percent of executive roles, compared to 34 percent among all eligible organizations.
-- When compared to their peers at eligible companies that didn't make the list, women at the 100 Best are 19 to 23 percent more likely to feel treated fairly when it comes to challenging issues surrounding, involvement and pay:
- Management involves people in decisions that affect their jobs or work environment. (23% higher at winning companies)
- I feel I receive a fair share of the profits made by this organization. (23% higher at winning companies)
- Managers avoid playing favorites. (21% higher at winning companies)
- Promotions go to those who best deserve them. (21% higher at winning companies)
- Everyone has an opportunity to get special recognition. (19% higher at winning companies)
- People here are paid fairly for the work they do. (19% higher at winning companies)
"In analyzing surveys across a wide range of industries, we found that female employees working at the 100 Best Workplaces for Women were more likely to feel managers genuinely listen to their team members' ideas and involve them in decisions affecting their jobs," said Peters. "There's no single solution to make a workplace more welcoming for women. But creating a culture that's respectful and a management team that listens well to all employees regardless of their gender or other difference can go a long way."
About the list: The 100 Best Workplaces for Women ranking is one of a series of rankings based upon employee survey feedback from published Great Place to Work Reviews. To create this list, Great Place to Work(R) surveyed 135,689 women at 637 companies, who answered a detailed questionnaire considering everything from the fairness of their company's promotions, to who has access to information and leadership, the level of support for employees' personal lives, and the degree of inclusiveness and connection they feel with colleagues. To be eligible, women's survey results for each company needed to meet a 95 percent confidence level and a margin of error of 6.5 percent or less. Two-thirds of each company's score is based on women's surveys. The remaining third takes into account how well-represented women are within the workforce overall and in management and executive positions. Companies also received higher scores when not only the most women reported the organization performed well on an index of fairness-related questions, but also just as many or more women had that experience as their male colleagues.
About Great Place to Work(R)
Great Place to Work(R) is the global authority on high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures. Through proprietary assessment tools, advisory services, and employer branding programs, including Best Companies lists and workplace reviews, Great Place to Work(R) provides the benchmarks, framework, and expertise needed to create, sustain, and recognize outstanding workplace cultures. In the United States, Great Place to Work(R) produces the annual Fortune, "100 Best Companies to Work For" list and the Great Place to Work(R) Best Small & Medium Workplaces list. Follow Great Place to Work(R) online at and on Twitter at @GPTW_US. For information about global operations at Great Place to Work(R), visit
Sarah Lewis-Kulin, Great Place to Work,, 415-503-1234 Ext: ext 110, [email protected]
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