Grime Busters Introduces Amazing! NOK OUT®’s Innovative Approach for H1N1 Disinfecting Protocol
Gaylord, MI (PRWEB) January 21, 2014 -- H1N1, or the swine flu, is back. This strain is similar to the one that caused a pandemic in 2009. Although the virus generally only survives on surfaces between 2 – 8 hours, it is highly contagious. Infected people can start spreading flu germs up to a day before symptoms start, and for up to seven days after getting sick, according to John Hopkins University. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods.
Before and after the initial onset of flu symptoms have passed, people are still contaminating surfaces and environments. Whether at home, in school, health care settings, fitness centers, or any place that is inhabited for any length of time. Therefore it is of paramount importance to remember that although a person may be well enough to return to their lifestyle, the proclivity of contagion still exists.
Disinfecting against the spread of H1N1 can be a difficult and tedious undertaking. NOK OUT®’s new hospital grade Broad Spectrum Disinfectant can meet this challenge because of its residual properties. Laboratory testing shows it destroys the germs in 10 minutes by the process of oxidization, or removing its food source.
Applications of this product can be accomplished several ways:
• Added to water as a cleaner to wipe down surfaces
• Fogged with a micro-mister of 15 microns, which lingers in the air, disinfecting the total area, any and all surfaces including walls, doorknobs, desks, draperies, textbooks, anything the mist touches – the smaller the mist, the more economical the application, and the more oxidation processes occur
• Added to mop water as a cleaner
• Sprayed as a cleaner in the bathroom, disinfecting all touchable surfaces
• Sprayed on windows and mirrors to disinfect and shine
Grime Busters recommends the following precautions against spreading H1N1:
1) Follow CDC guidelines in getting immunized against the flu
2) Wash hands thoroughly and often with soap and water, dry on clean/paper towels
3) Maintain a regular disinfecting schedule with NOK OUT® to disinfect surfaces in homes and working environments.
Unlike other disinfectants that claim to kill 99.9% of germs, Amazing! NOK OUT® has the laboratory tested "10/10 kills" proof. H1N1 is only one of the multitudes of germs that NOK OUT® destroys by the process of oxidization. Its stabilized chlorine dioxide formula of 2,000 PPM continues to work after it dries on the surface.
It is non-toxic, environmentally friendly and efficacious in its application. Many other disinfecting products cannot make this claim. The EPA registered NOK OUT® label of June, 2013, lists the germs that this product eradicates.
About Grime Busters:
Created in 2007, Grime Busters is a distributor of Amazing! NOK OUT – a hospital grade, broad spectrum disinfectant and deodorizer. Grime Busters products remove malicious germs by the process of oxidation. To find out what Grime Busters can do for you, visit
Alice Pavlick, Grime Busters - Amazing! NOK OUT® Distributor,, +1 989-710-1265, [email protected]
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