Grime Busters Offers an Innovative Product Designed to Keep Ski Gear Clean and Fungus-Free This Winter
Gaylord, MI (PRWEB) December 24, 2013 -- ‘Tis the season for holiday winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding with many seasonal enthusiasts depending on ski resort rental shops to provide their gear. Grime Busters’ Amazing! NOK OUT® can keep ski clothes and footwear free of common germs that can cause problems such as athletes’ foot.
Anyone who has been in a ski rental shop may have wondered where the stinky smell comes from on boots and helmets. One source of the smell is germs such as the fungus t. mentagrophytes, also known as athlete’s foot. Grime Busters’ Amazing! NOK OUT® is lab tested to kill that fungus 10/10.
Ski boots and helmets are made of hard plastic in order to waterproof the feet and protect the head. However, feet sweat and so does the head. Feet have over 250,000 sweat glands each, and in one day each foot can produce more than a pint of salt and water, called sweat. Unfortunately boot liners are difficult to clean and disinfect. Drying them can help to reduce the spread of germs for a while, but the next time they are worn the organisms begin to grow and thrive again.
Athlete's foot thrives in dark, warm and humid environments like ski boots and helmets. Once the fungi are present, they grow in wearers’ equipment. Athlete's foot reproduces when the fungi that live naturally on the skin have ideal conditions for growth. These types of fungi, feed on other organisms to survive, hence causing infection.
Jim McGuigan, Manager of the Pro Shop at Tree Tops in Gaylord, Michigan, testifies to the effectiveness of NOK OUT® for killing the germs that cause athletes foot. His shop has been using this product to treat its ski boots and brain buckets since 2007.
Before the discovery of NOK OUT®, the odor in the rental shop was so pungent that the general manager decided something had to be done. At that time Grime Busters, local distributor of NOK OUT® demonstrated the effectiveness of the product to the Tree Tops staff by spraying the inside of a ski boot. In less than 1 minute, the smell was gone. The initial fogging treatment of 600+ pair of ski boots used less than 32 ounces of NOK OUT®.
These days, the equipment is treated sometimes twice daily depending on the rental time, and Tree Tops continues to emphasize the importance of safeguarding patrons against germs and odors.
About Grime Busters:
Created in 2007, Grime Busters is a distributor of Amazing! NOK OUT® – a hospital grade, broad spectrum disinfectant and deodorizer which removes malicious germs by the process of oxidation. To find out what Grime Busters can do for you, visit
Alice Pavlick, Grime Busters - Nok-Out Distributor,, +1 9897101265, [email protected]
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