Harmony Healthcare International (HHI) President and CEO, Kris Mastrangelo Launches National Healthcare Speaking Tour at Aegis Therapies in Dallas, TX
Topsfield, MA (PRWEB) February 25, 2016 -- With the onslaught of regulation, documentation and risk, noted speaker, thought-leader and post-acute care expert and Harmony Healthcare International (HHI), President and CEO, Kris Mastrangelo launched the first in a 15-city series of two-day seminars addressing compliance challenges and the strategies providers will need to prepare for the future of post-acute care. The tour kicked off in Dallas at the Aegis Therapies Leadership Meeting and will travel around the United States, ending in Nashville in September 2016. Harmony Healthcare is a leading consulting firm specializing in C.A.R.E. (Compliance, Audit and Analysis, Reimbursement and Regulations and Education and Efficiency).
“We invited Kris Mastrangelo to feature ‘The Great Eight’ educational presentation at our Annual Leadership Meeting,” said Hal Price, Senior Vice President Strategic Partnerships at Aegis Therapies, “At Aegis, we believe in providing our partners and customers with essential information and intelligence on the state of our industry. ‘The Great Eight’ seminar provides this type of important and usable information.”
Ideally suited for Administrators, Owners, Operators, DONs, MDS Coordinators, Compliance Officers, Therapy Directors and other constituencies in the post-acute care industry, each seminar will be divided into four sessions, two per day and attendees will be given the opportunity to stay for all four sessions or choose any number of sessions that are relevant to their job duties. A total of 12 contact hours will be offered for the complete seminar.
Mastrangelo, a well-known speaker and advocate for post-acute care will address, “The Great Eight”, the eight major areas of focus for every skilled nursing facility professional:
1. Impact Act
2. Five-Star Analysis
3. Proposed Rule
4. Compliance
6. Value-Based Purchasing
7. Bundled Payments
8. Antibiotic Stewardship
Three additional sessions will address, “The Future of Reimbursement and MDS and More for the Clinical Leader”, “ADR and Denied Claims Management” and “Jumpstart Your QAPI and Compliance Programs”. The two-day seminars are specifically designed to meet the needs of post-acute care professionals as they face the regulatory and operational challenges over the next several years.
“Last year, as I traveled around the country and spoke at several national association events and met with post-acute care professionals, I realized that there is a tremendous need for good information on what is coming down the regulatory and reimbursement road over the next several years,” said Mastrangelo, OTR/L, LNHA, MBA, President and CEO of Harmony Healthcare International, “This tour collects that pertinent information in one place, allowing professionals to learn, synthesize and use the information effectively and efficiently. As the industry continues to focus on innovation and performance outcomes, Harmony is pleased to have been chosen by Aegis Therapies to kick off ‘The Great Eight’ tour."
Attendees will be given the opportunity to have a free PEPPER or Five-Star Analysis during the event. For more information about the seminars, locations, costs and registration visit: http://www.harmony-healthcare.com/education-training/schedule.
About Harmony Healthcare International
Harmony Healthcare International was founded in 2001. With headquarters in Topsfield, MA, Harmony Healthcare International serves clients in the skilled nursing, acute care, home health and assisted living markets with operational and compliance consulting, training and educational programs and talent management services. With a staff of accomplished HealthCARE Specialists who serve as consultants to For-Profit, Not-For-Profit, Standalone and Multi-Facility Chains across the country, Harmony Healthcare International has been ranked among the top 5,000 fastest growing private companies in the U.S. for 3 consecutive years by Inc. Magazine. Harmony Healthcare International, “We C.A.R.E. About Care.
Visit us at: http://www.harmony-healthcare.com/.
About Aegis Therapies (http://www.aegistherapies.com)
Aegis Therapies is one of the nation’s leading providers of contract physical, occupational and speech therapy services. Offering contract rehabilitation and wellness services, Aegis Therapies operates in 1,400 locations across 40 states and the District of Columbia with over 1,000 partnerships and employs more than 8,500 employees providing short-term and long-term therapy, At Home with Aegis, and EnerG® by Aegis wellness programs to help people increase their independence and maximize their functionality in a health care or home setting. Working together to provide better patient care at a lower cost, Aegis therapists receive state-of-the-art, evidenced-based practice training to measure and quantify therapy impact as well as continuing education to help them respond to the ongoing regulatory requirements while delivering clinical outcomes to their patients.
Media Contact:
Jon A. Di Gesu
Vice President of Public Relations
(O) 978.887.8919 (C) 603.770.5731
Jon Di Gesu, Harmony Healthcare International, http://www.harmony-healthcare.com, +1 603 770 5731, [email protected]
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