Hazards of the Holidays: Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyers at the Power Legal Group Share Safety Reminders for the Upcoming Season
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) November 21, 2013 -- Attorneys Jacob Sharifi and Bobby Yaghoubian of the Los Angeles-based Power Legal Group are experienced personal injury attorneys who know that the holiday season can pose serious injury risks. Sharifi says "of course, the vast majority of Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, Quanza and New Year's celebrations will be safe. But car crashes, house fires, slip and falls and other accidents occur with alarming frequency during the holidays. When accidents do occur, we represent people who have been injured and help them pursue maximum compensation from liable parties. But we hope to reduce the number of accidents before they even occur." In an effort to remind the public about safety during the holidays, the Power Legal Group offers these suggestions.
Be aware of weather changes when driving or walking. Yaghoubian says that, even in Southern California, "roads can become icy in the fall and winter. Sidewalks in front of grocery stores and shopping malls can be wet and slippery particularly if they become icy. We see numerous slip and fall cases during the holidays because of this. But we also see clients who have been injured in car accidents after the other driver failed to reduce their speed or allow more time to brake by accounting for the weather." From early November to early January, temperatures may drop by up to 30 degrees even in usually temperate Los Angeles. Sharifi adds that, "people in Los Angeles have a tendency to overlook our cold weather but we have winter too. Ice forms, cars slide and people slip. Use extra caution and you may be able to avoid a tragedy during the holidays. From the upcoming Thanksgiving long weekend through New Year's Day, drivers should be extra cautious and aware of the facts."
Larry Copeland of USA TODAY reported in November of 2012 that 431 people were killed nationally on Thanksgiving day in 2010. In "Thanksgiving week one of the deadliest on the highway" Copeland reminded drivers of the hazards on the road. Thanksgiving is one of the most dangerous holidays for drivers. However, it is not the only holiday that carries increased risks. The entire season is fraught with them especially when alcohol is involved.
Drunk driving car accidents are extremely common during the holiday season. "Whether at a relative's house for Thanksgiving, at an office Christmas party or on New Year's Eve, alcohol will be served at many celebrations. Many of our holidays lead to long weekends and drinking and driving never, ever mix. But during this season, an increase in drinking and driving accidents does seem to occur," Sharifi says. "Never drink and drive and don't be hesitant to remind your loved ones of the hazards."
The Power Legal Group is not alone in their concerns about drunk driving. MADD published this statement prior to Thanksgiving last year: "the time period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day includes some of the most dangerous days for drunk driving deaths, and the numbers are getting worse in recent years — as annual drunk driving deaths have decreased, there has been an increase in the proportion of drunk driving deaths around the holidays" (“ 'Tie One On For Safety' Holiday Campaign Cautions Drivers as More Highway Deaths Caused by Drunk Driving"). Yaghoubian says that "despite increased awareness, increased penalties and more police enforcement, drunk driving is still a terrible problem. Make a plan before drinking. Plan on a cab, stay in a hotel or choose a designated driver every time." Though drunk driving car accidents are a serious concern, accidents can occur with or without the presence of alcohol.
Other holiday season driving hazards include heavy traffic around shopping malls as Black Friday and Christmas approach. "From fender benders to high-speed rear-end collisions, car accidents are frequent this time of year because so many people are trying to accomplish so much: buying gifts, cooking elaborate meals, getting to the airport and preparing their homes for visitors, for instance," Yaghoubian says. "The combination of stress and traffic in already congested LA can result in accidents. No matter how stressed you are though, safe driving should always be the focus. A car accident, especially an accident with injuries, may lead to a tragic holiday season. Safety must always come first."
Sharifi concludes by saying "there is obviously never a good time for a catastrophic accident, but such an accident during the holidays is particularly tragic. Our hope is that anyone who reads this will take extra precautions during this festive season."
Power Legal, Power Legal Group, http://www.powerlegalgroup.com/, +1 800-323-7693, [email protected]
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