(PRWEB UK) 24 October 2013 -- To celebrate the success of Curos Port Protectors, Vygon are offering 20% off all UK direct orders until 29/11/13.
Curos Port Protector offers a simple solution to a widespread problem. Each year, thousands of patients contract potentially life-threatening catheter-related bloodstream infections; and current protocols for ensuring correct cleaning of IV and needle-free devices are hard to enforce and measure. These avoidable infections not only cost millions, they also have an impact on the patient’s therapy and hospital experience.
To help tackle this problem, Vygon has introduced Curos Port Protector, a simple, innovative device that provides healthcare professionals with an effective method of reducing CRBSI. Each Curos Port Protector contains a medical grade foam pad impregnated with 70% isopropyl alcohol. As the Curos Port Protector is screwed into place, the disinfecting foam pad scrubs the IV access port. Independent laboratory tests show that Curos disinfects the device’s surface by killing bacteria in three minutes and prevents recolonisation for up to seven days.
Contact Vygon today to claim 20% off your next Curos order.
Vygon (UK) Ltd
About Vygon (UK) Ltd
Vygon (UK) Ltd is dedicated to the supply of single-use medical and surgical products. The company is a leading provider of intravenous access devices to the NHS. Brand names include; Multicath, Lifecath, Leadercath, Bionector, Biovalve and MIC.
Vygon (UK) Ltd is part of the The Vygon Group of Companies which have supplied the healthcare profession for over 40 years. The Vygon Group is a global manufacturer of single-use medical and surgical products. Internationally, it designs, manufactures and markets more than 100 million products in 110 countries, all in accordance with ISO 9001 and EN 46001 standards.
For further information, please contact:
Katie Kingston, Marketing & Customer Communications Manager
T: 01793 748830
Curos is a trademark of Ivera Medical Corporation.
Katie Kingston, Vygon (UK) Ltd, http://www.vygon.co.uk/, +44 1793748830, [email protected]
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