Healthy Gift Idea for Mother's Day - "Fitness Over 50"
Northampton, MA (PRWEB) April 29, 2014 -- This ebook is a new contribution to the health and fitness field. "Fitness Over 50 - How to Live Longer and Better Based on Exciting New Research" gathers new discoveries in the fields of anti-aging, nutrition, and fitness for living longer and healthier.
Only small adjustment are needed to live longer and with a greater quality of life, even if the reader currently has a medical condition. The author speaks from experience as a 60 year old with medical challenges. Armed with these research-based tips the author fully intends to live happily to 100 and beyond!
The ebook is divided into 6 Chapters: Physical, Nutritional, Mental, Spiritual, and 2 chapters where the author teaches the best exercise for the older body using HD streaming video, text, and photos. This is a quick reference rather than an in-depth analysis so that the reader can start making easy changes right away. For further study, primary sources are cited.
The author remarks, "The great American author John Irving once observed that our lives often end unexpectedly and unpleasantly. I wrote this book to change all that! I’m 60 and we’re in this boat together. I can’t guarantee that you’ll live like my neighbor Jack who is 100 and walks every day and rattles off statistics about every Red Sox player! What I know for certain is that all of us have a better chance than ever before of living longer and better by taking these simple steps."
"Fitness Over 50" is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.
Bob Hannum M.Ed is the author of several books, videos, and articles featuring the original athletic Pilates style of mat exercise. His website, offers free beginner lessons online. He also provides free daily exercise news, tips, and motivation at He is an Advanced Certified Pilates instructor with 40 years of experience, and his teacher is the 'Pilates Elder' Mary Bowen.
Bob Hannum,,, +1 (802) 236-9163, [email protected]
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