HGH Supplements Information Website HGH.us.com Announces New Discounts on Sytropin and Genf20 Plus
New York, NY (PRWEB) December 19, 2013 -- HGH.us.com, a website that is devoted to providing people with current and factual information about HGH and anti-aging, has just announced that it will launch a bi-monthly newsletter that will include information about the latest anti-aging therapies. The newsletter will keep the website’s loyal readers up-to-date on anti-aging HGH supplements, weight loss trends, diets, and current special offers for the various anti-aging products.
HGH.us.com, which recently celebrated its fifth anniversary, has helped educate thousands of people about the various HGH benefits, HGH side effects, and more. In honor of the website’s anniversary, the company would like to share the latest discounts on the Sytropin supplement. For a limited time, people who purchase a 6-month supply of Sytropin will get a discount of $159.75. As it explains in an article on the website, http://hgh.us.com/sytropin.php, the Sytropin company gives customers a 90-day satisfaction guarantee, so anyone who is not fully happy with the product can request a refund.
In addition, HGH.us.com is now offering a great deal on Genf20 Plus; people who buy a 6-month supply will save $199.89, as well as receive free shipping on the supplement for customers who live in the United States, a natural health source $25 discount card, and an infinity health center membership.
As an article on HGH.us.com explains, HGH may be very helpful in slowing down many of the symptoms of aging, such as weight gain, fatigue, memory loss and wrinkles, but still it is not risk free. Some of the side effects of human growth hormone abuse include diabetes, carpal tunnel syndrome, acromegaly and more. For a more detailed article on potential HGH side effects and risks, people can visit http://hgh.us.com/hghsideeffects.php.
Although there are some HGH side effects and risks from injecting the medical version of HGH called Somatropin, those who wish to use HGH only to feel better and lose weight might find that over the counter HGH supplements like Sytropin, Somatropinne, Genf20 Plus or Genfx might just be enough.
“HGH can also help you sleep soundly, improve your sexual performance and drive even boost your energy and endurance,” the article noted.
“On top of that you will experience an increase in muscle tone, a loss of body fat and a reduction of wrinkles. These results are incredible and show that HGH actually does work.”
Anybody who would like to learn more about HGH is welcome to visit HGH.us.com at any time; there, they can read in-depth information about different anti aging supplements, as well as reviews of the various companies who sell them. Take for instance Genf20 Plus, which can be directly purchased from the Genf20 Plus homepage; the very popular HGH releaser is also reviewed and evaluated at HGH.us.com to both show its positives and negatives.
About HGH.us.com:
HGH.us.com features in-depth and educational articles pertaining to the topic of anti aging. The site, which recently celebrated its fifth anniversary, provides the latest info on how to reverse symptoms of aging, lose weight and how to stay and look healthy. HGH.us.com also features reviews of different anti aging supplements to make it easier for anyone who is interested in giving them a try. For more information on HGH and anti aging, please visit http://hgh.us.com/hgh-supplements.php.
Robert White, HGH.us.com, http://hgh.us.com/, +1 347 571 9268, [email protected]
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