HOBI International, Inc. Receives AT&T 2016 Supplier Sustainability Award
DALLAS, TEXAS (PRWEB) August 10, 2017 -- HOBI International, Inc. is receiving the 2016 AT&T* Supplier Sustainability Award in the ‘Reverse Logistics and Circular Economy’ category.
HOBI is being recognized for developing a parts recovery and testing process in support of AT&T mobile phone refurbishment operations. The award recognizes suppliers for their support of AT&T and its goals toward sustainable operations.
“Sustainability is vital to AT&T success. It’s an area where we can make a positive impact for the next generation,” said Susan A. Johnson, senior vice president, Global Supply Chain, AT&T. “We’re proud to work with suppliers who have made significant sustainability contributions. They’re helping us drive the whole industry to be more environmentally and socially responsible.”
Of the many vendors in the AT&T supply chain, HOBI is one of only four suppliers to receive the 2016 AT&T Sustainability Supplier Award. The company’s outstanding contributions supported AT&T in its supplier sustainability goals and initiatives during the past year.
“Being named one of AT&T’s sustainability award winners is recognition of HOBI’s commitment to providing valuable services to our clients while maintaining a strict focus on environmental sustainability practices,” said Craig Boswell, co-founder and president of HOBI.
HOBI co-founder and CEO Cathy Hill agreed. “Creating industry-leading environmental solutions for more than 25 years has been the result of the tireless efforts of the entire HOBI team,” she said. “We are thrilled AT&T recognizes and values these efforts.”
Boswell added that providing solutions to minimize a client’s expense and maximize their ROI while performing superior sustainability practices is the crux of HOBI’s service offering.
About HOBI International, Inc.
HOBI International, Inc. is a leading IT and mobile asset management and electronics recycling company serving Fortune 1000 clients. Since 1992, HOBI has provided comprehensive solutions for the remarketing and environmentally responsible recycling of electronic assets.
HOBI’s IT and mobile device services teams help organizations big and small process end-of-life electronics with a focus on corporate IT, data, and telecommunications infrastructure. Our services include resale/remarketing, data erasure/data destruction, recycling, environmental and compliance reporting, de-installation services, and reverse logistics management.
HOBI, an R2/RIOS and ISO 14001 certified firm, has more than 25 years experience in enterprise asset management and disposition. The company’s pioneering enterprise asset process makes HOBI the leader in its industry. Learn more about how HOBI can achieve value maximization and create customized enterprise asset service programs for your company at HOBI.com. Follow @HOBI_Inc on Twitter for company and industry news.
*About AT&T
AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) helps millions around the globe connect with leading entertainment, business, mobile and high speed Internet services. We offer the nation’s best data network** and the best global coverage of any U.S. wireless provider. We’re one of the world’s largest providers of pay TV. We have TV customers in the U.S. and 11 Latin American countries. Nearly 3.5 million companies, from small to large businesses around the globe, turn to AT&T for our highly secure smart solutions.
AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc. Additional information about AT&T products and services is available at about.att.com. Follow our news on Twitter at @ATT, on Facebook at facebook.com/att and on YouTube at youtube.com/att.
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*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.
**Claim based on the Nielsen Certified Data Network Score. Score includes data reported by wireless consumers in the Nielsen Mobile Insights survey, network measurements from Nielsen Mobile Performance and Nielsen Drive Test Benchmarks for Q4 2016 + Q1 2017 across 121 markets.
Mike Blankenship, [email protected], http://hobi.com, +1 (214) 888-6607, [email protected]
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