How Eating the Right Foods Could Help to Fight Adult Acne
Bury, Lancashire (PRWEB UK) 17 July 2014 -- Acne is a word most often linked to schoolchildren reaching puberty and the resulting breakout of spots. This isn’t surprising when considering almost all teenagers will have acne at some point between the age of 10 and 13. Besides the most obviously visible facial region, other less noticeable areas that can be affected include the chest, back and even the upper arms.
Although the majority of teens will see their acne subside as they approach the age of 20, an unfortunate and increasing number of people are now battling acne well into their 20s, and sometimes even beyond. The proof of this has been demonstrated with the ruthless paparazzi looking to catch celebrities on their ‘off days’ and famous faces snapped with acne have included: actress Billie Piper, supermodel Kate Moss, model and actress Lily Cole, fashion designer Victoria Beckham and US actress Cameron Diaz, who has been open about her fight with skin problems for many years.
Acne for adults can be disastrous and cause a complete deterioration of confidence and self-esteem, leading to anxiety, depression and result in those affected avoiding social situations wherever possible. Those suffering are usually so worried about others looking at their spots, that they may simply never want to leave the house. Even though acne itself isn’t actually a life threatening condition, it can be every bit as devastating to live with as chronic diseases like asthma or diabetes.
There are numerous acne treatments - both prescription-only and over-the-counter – that can help to ease the distressing symptoms of acne. Medical Specialists™ Pharmacy have in particularly been inundated for requests for the combined oral contraceptive pill Dianette; also used as a treatment for severe acne which hasn’t improved after the long-term use of oral antibiotics in women.
However, it never hurts to eat the correct foods to give yourself the best fighting chance of having healthy-looking skin – foods which may even help with acne problems. These include:
. Avocados
An excellent source of biotin, avocados are fantastic for the functioning of both healthy skin and hair. They contain good levels of monounsaturated fatty acids which help overall skin health by forming a protective coating around the skin, preventing water loss and thus keeping skin hydrated. Avocados also contain plenty of antioxidants such as Vitamin A and Niacin. The latter is an anti-inflammatory agent which can help to soothe irritated red and blotchy skin. Consuming just one avocado will provide you with 3.8 mg niacin, equivalent to 27% of your daily requirement.
. Baked potatoes
Baked potatoes can be combined with cottage cheese for a healthy meal, but they also provide a double dose of skin therapy! Like cottage cheese, they work wonders for the skin. Eating a typical sized baked potato (skin included) supplies 75% of the daily recommended intake of copper, which joins forces with zinc and Vitamin C in supporting healthy skin structure by creating elastin fibres. Insufficient copper in the diet can cause rigidness to the skin and impair its ability to heal.
. Cottage cheese
A great option on top of a baked potato as a healthy meal option for weight loss, it could come as a surprise to learn it is beneficial for healthy skin too. It contains high levels of the important mineral selenium which offers protection against skin cancer and dandruff, and also works in conjunction with Vitamin E to form a powerful antioxidant to fight free radicals; molecules that are responsible for aging and tissue damage.
. Cucumber
Vegetables containing plenty of water help to flush out the toxins that block up pores. In particularly, cucumber essentially has a cooling effect and lessens the inflammation problems that are linked to spots. In addition, it is now a common ingredient of many women’s beauty regimes, being included in facials, face packs, juice and other things that can improve skin, serving as a good remedy to combat eye puffiness.
. Oily fish
Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel, are all loaded with essential fatty acids such as omega-3, essential for great skin. It is believed that the flesh of fish contains Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), a strong organic compound antioxidant that helps kick-start nerve function and muscles to contract, tightening the skin. Omega-3s also decrease the body’s generation of inflammatory agents that cause skin damage.
. Oysters
Not many people are probably aware of the wonders that oysters can have. For starters, they help the body to absorb Vitamin A, but the benefits don’t stop there. Some people claim they have boosted their sex drive, and on top of this, they are great for skin too. One serving of oysters provides double the daily recommended intake of zinc, which aids the fight against spots by managing the levels of male hormone that is released - culpable for acne breakouts.
These are just a few of the foods that have a positive effect on the skin. However, for those wanting to maintain healthy-looking skin that appears radiant and fresh, there are some foods that are best avoided.
. Foods high in refined sugars cause increase your insulin and production of male hormone levels, and then cause inflamed skin and acne. Examples include: bagels, bread, breakfast cereals, cake, cookies, doughnuts, muffins and pasta.
. Hydrogenated oils, also sometimes known as ‘trans fats’, also cause inflammation and the flare-up of acne. Things to avoid here include: deep-fried foods, margarine, commercially processed baked foods and fast food.
. Dairy products are a no-no as these usually contain high levels of fat, and this is bad for the skin. High consumption of things such as milk, cheese and ice cream can aggravate acne.
. Processed food, i.e. food that is manufactured within a factory is almost always going to be terrible for the skin. They are highly ‘refined’ meaning they are difficult for your body to properly digest and you are then at risk of allergic reactions, inflammation and acne breakouts. These processed foods often have synthetic ingredients contained in them that have to be detoxified by the body and are usually released via the skin unfortunately. Examples here include: canned goods such has soup, white rice, breakfast cereals, processed meats, fries/chips, pizza, popcorn and sugary drinks.
David Bailey, Medical Specialists™ Pharmacy,, +44 161 762 9108, [email protected]
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