How to Save Thousands of Dollars On Electric Bills With One Simple Change, Explained by Andy May, Licensed Mortgage Expert, and Irene Higginson, Realtor
Raleigh, NC (PRWEB) November 26, 2013 -- Save thousands on electric bills (Home Energy Costs) this winter, 2013. Average monthly energy bills can eat away at income like termites in wood. Why waste money? Why throw cash out the window? offers an incentive to become "Green". Call us to find out why Sid Moye (919 676 1131) and Energy Control Applications can save money this winter. Or call Irene Higginson, 919 389 7778 for the ultimate in a Green Realtor.
Here's what Sid did for Andy May:
With a larger than average home in the Triangle, Andy May puts his money where his mouth is. supports the Green movement by not burning up the world with a bank on every corner (and yes, ADR doesn't charge to support those 10,000 bank branches). Put Andy May and together and a story of a senior retail loan officer that has personally saved over $25,000 in energy costs emerges.
Andy May purchased his home in 2006 and installed Sid Moye's Energy Control system in his primary residence. Expected energy costs for a home of this size (think upstairs and downstairs units, 3 HVAC systems, electric heat-pump, electric water heater, electric clothes dryer, you get the picture) is normally about $600 a month (on a good day during the winter). Mix in three teenage daughters and a recipe for high energy bills spikes through.
Enter stage-right Sid Moye of Energy Control Applications, Inc. The System was installed in 2006; Last 12 months usage average kWh/day of 66.70 and 69.48 kWh/day usage from 2 years ago (remember, 6 years of savings total). The cost per kWh between these two years averaged 8.31 cents to 8.74 cents.
What does that mean? For a 7,000 square foot home in the Triangle, Andy May paid $177 a month 2 years ago and $176 a month last year (on average). Wow. What does your energy bill cost? Even if renting a small home, that bill is tough to be beat!
Duke Energy proposed an 11.8% rate hike for residential customers in North Carolina. According to John Downey, senior staff writer of the Charlotte Business Journal, 2/4/2013 article, that's an extra $446 million taken from North Carolinians. It's hard to be the number one relocation state in the nation when electricity costs are sky rocketing in North Carolina. Lower energy costs are hard to find, let Sid Moye work toward keeping energy costs lower.
Irene Higginson said, "When I first started recommending Sid Moye my clients were excited about the potential. Now, I've got people I know that are saving real money. As a Realtor, finding the perfect home includes saving my clients money. Saving money on energy costs is just another great way to help my clients."
Call Andy May at at 919 771 3379 to find out more about our unique offer to help our clients turn Green with or call Sid Moye at 919 676 1131 to install this unique money saving system. Andy May is a licensed Loan Officer 103418 and 88010 corporate NMLS ID.
Get the most value out of a home sale or purchase by working with licensed professionals that have significant experience. You’ll be thankful you did. You can find additional information from Andy May, mortgage expert, at Andy May's blog. was founded by Andy May in 2005. For additional information please go to or contact Andy May directly.
Andrew May, ADR Mortgage,, +1 (919) 771-3379, [email protected]
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