HUD Policy Shift, (; Nov 02, 15), Highlights Immediate Opportunity to Expunge Criminal Records (1), States
Waltham, MA (PRWEB) December 16, 2015 -- "The recent policy shift by HUD regarding the use of criminal background records as part of the tenant vetting process for federal housing, includes a strong emphasis on expunging criminal records and the opportunity to successfully clear criminal records is now;" states Adam Almeida, President and CEO of The policy shift highlights the use of expungement of criminal background records as a valuable tool in reestablishing employment and housing for formerly incarcerated individuals.
From (Nov. 13, 15):
A key component of the program is a joint venture between the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help public housing residents expunge or seal their criminal records. The administration considers these “Americans who’ve paid their debt to society” and need the government’s help to “rehabilitate and reintegrate back into their communities.” (3)
Adam Almeida, President and CEO of CriminalBackgroundRecords states: "In many cases expungement will be a tool to clean up conviction records, but the process can be extremely challenging and would likely require assistance from a criminal background check third-party provider, one experienced with expungement proceedings, such as"
From (Nov. 23, 15):
“For a fresh start, a true second chance, a person must be able to put their criminal record in the rear-view mirror. The process can be murky to some, and assistance is often essential – particularly those unable to afford a lawyer...” (4)
Almeida states: "Each state has different laws and regulations governing expungement, which ultimately leads to a great deal of confusion. However, the goal remains to allow parolees and former convicts a path to getting a fresh start and moving away from a criminal past."
Further, officials in some states are seeking to make expungement of certain criminal records an automatic action within a few years of a conviction. One such example is with Michigan State Senator Rick Jones who plans on introducing legislation that will automatically delete certain convictions from the official record.
From (Nov. 24, 15):
Jones says misdemeanors would no longer appear on criminal records after five years. Low-level, non-violent felonies would go away after eight years. That’s if the person does not commit another crime during that time. (5)
Almeida states: "Until the day comes when expungement is an automatic action, individuals must utilize a point third-party background screening providers, such as, in order to easily navigate an often lugubrious road to clearing a criminal history.” is a third-party employment screening and overall background screening company that can assist individuals seeking to expunge certain convictions. Depending on the state and the offense, may be able to assist in creating a smoother pathway to employment and housing.
Dan Adams, Criminal Background Records,, +1 (877) 811-6557, [email protected]
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