If only dogs could talk? Your Lifestyle Products comment on new Voyce doggy smart collar, which helps to communicate health details to owners and Vets.
Gatwick, Surrey (PRWEB UK) 24 January 2014 -- With latest technology developments focusing on humans, i4C Innovations has concentrated on the friendly companions people love to have. The latest tracking device, Voyce is aimed at dogs. This nifty health tracking smart collar has been designed to be worn by dogs. The i4C Innovations latest device is built using a 3-axis accelerometer with built-in radio frequency tracking the dog’s active and resting periods. Whilst doing so, it measures heart and respiratory rates.
This latest piece of technology is ready to be launched in the summer of this year. It is a breakthrough device that bridges the communication gap between dogs and owners. The data gathered from this device is uploaded and analysed through an accompanying application, outlining a detailed report of the dog’s health and monitoring any changes throughout. This can be shared on social networks as well as with Vets. This valuable tool detects early warning signs of illnesses such as arthritis and chronic pain, whilst tracking the calories a dog burns every day. This would help with diet adjustments.
To read more of this article, click here: http://www.macrumors.com/2014/01/08/voyce-smart-collar/.
Yourlifestyle Products comment: “We all wish that our dogs could talk, and tell us when they were not feeling 100%, so this is a fantastic new invention, that may help us spot the early signs when pets are feeling under the weather.”
They go on to say, “One tell-tale sign that we can use to determine if something is amiss with our beloved pooch, is the appearance of the coat. Dull and lifeless fur usually means that the dog is lacking vital nutrients, of else something a bit more serious is going on.”
Your Lifestyle Products have recently launched their new Pet range, which includes a Dog Condition product called Vitafur. It’s a unique blend of natural ingredients designed to enhance the natural condition of your pet’s fur. Designed primarily for dogs, the product contains Biotin, which in humans helps the maintenance of normal hair and skin together with Vitamin E which helps with the protection of vital cells.
For further information contact YourLifestyle Products Ltd call 0208 619 0025 or email: csuk(at)yourlifestyle(dot)com.
Michael Kitt, Yourwellness Publishing Ltd, http://www.yourwellness.com, +44 2085889553, [email protected]
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