Industry Analyst Jeff Kagan on Verizon Cloud Shutdown Impact
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) January 13, 2015 -- Verizon shut down their Cloud services for an extended 40 hours over the last weekend for a planned and announced upgrade, says ComputerWorld, Jan 12.
Industry analyst Jeff Kagan offers comment.
“Even though Verizon tried to brace their customer base on their coming Cloud shutdown for an upgrade, it wasn’t enough to satisfy customers when they could not access their data or information for 40 hours. 40 hours is a long time. A few hours down here and there are bad enough, but 40 hours in the dark is a catastrophe to many. That’s the problem with these early days in this new Cloud world.” Says Telecom Analyst Jeff Kagan.
On the face of it this is not good PR news for Verizon. It gives Verizon a black-eye in a new, important, growing and competitive playing field.
“Whether the customer is an individual or a large company, everyone needs access to their information. In todays computer age, not having access to your information is like your power company turning off your lights, or your bank freezing you out of your accounts. There is nothing you can do and you are suddenly thrown back into the stone age. And all customers can do is point to Verizon and complain.” Says Wireless Analyst Kagan.
“The cloud is the future. Relying on the cloud to always be on and available is one of the most important factors in selecting a cloud provider.” Says Cloud Analyst Kagan.
“I have watched Verizon over the last few decades. I like Verizon. They work hard to have a good quality and reliable service. Verizon works hard to built a solid reputation. However they blow it from time to time and this is one of those times.” Says Kagan.
“Verizon shot themselves in the foot with this extended Cloud outage.” Says Tech Analyst Kagan.
Cloud upgrades are necessary. They happen on a regular basis from all providers. Every cloud provider must stay up to speed.
Customers don’t like it, but understand when there is an occasional outage for a few minutes now and then. If outages last more than a few minutes, which many do, customers get angry when they can’t do business.
Most times upgrades happen without the user ever knowing.
However occasionally there is a need for something bigger. That’s where cloud providers and their customers can get into trouble.
Cloud outages have been occurring now and then over the last several years from a number of providers. They seem to get lot’s of attention at the time, then fade into the past as time goes by.
“The problem is we are still in the very early stages of this cloud revolution. Will this harm Verizon? Short term sure, how can it not. However long term I think Verizon will recover and do well assuming they don’t have ongoing issues. This is still the early days in the cloud revolution. Customers demands increase as time passes. So we’ll just have to keep our eyes open and hope for the best.” Says Kagan.
About Jeff Kagan
Jeff Kagan is an industry analyst, consultant, columnist, influencer, author, keynote speaker and futurist.
He shares his opinion and views in many different ways over 25 years. His goal is to help you better understand our changing industry, technology and competition.
Kagan is quoted by the media daily. He writes two weekly columns and a daily press release on companies, technologies, competition and the changing industry. He is also a keynote speaker and author.
He follows and offers comment on wireless, telecom, Internet, cable television, IPTV and other tech news stories including Mobile Pay, Cloud, Internet of Things or IoT, M2M and more.
Kagan is a key influencer known as a Technology Analyst, Tech Analyst, Wireless Analyst, Cloud Analyst, Smartphone Analyst, Telecom Analyst, Telecom Industry Analyst and Principal Analyst.
His speeches are on topics including State of the Industry, challenges and opportunities, changing technology, competition, services, winners and losers, why and what we can expect going forward.
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Contact: Jeff Kagan by email at jeff(at)jeffKAGAN(dot)com or by phone at 770-579-5810.
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Full Disclosure: Jeff Kagan is an independent industry analyst. He offers comment to the media on breaking news, announcements, technologies and the changing marketplace. He also writes columns and press releases offering comment, and is an author and speaker. Kagan earns income as a consultant, analyst, speaker and author.
Twitter: Follow him at @jeffkagan
Jeff KAGAN, Jeff Kagan, Tech Analyst, Industry Analyst,, +1 770-579-5810, [email protected]
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