Infinite Skills' "Learning Maxon Cinema 4D R15 Tutorial" Streamlines Learning for Powerful 3D Modeling Application
(PRWEB) December 17, 2013 -- Software training firm Infinite Skills Inc. last week introduced its Learning Maxon Cinema 4D R15 Tutorial, a course designed to provide a working foundation for new 3D designers and allow experienced users to round out their knowledge of the popular 3D modeling application's capabilities.
Maxon Cinema 4D is a 3D modeling, animation and rendering application with wide professional use from the film and television industry to engineering and architecture. The current version, released in September, sports several important updates including new graphical interface features, network rendering support, and improvements that make modeling and editing in a workflow more efficient.
The Infinite Skills Learning Maxon Cinema 4D Tutorial teaches these new features along with the basics of 3D editing in this program that aims to be both intuitive and user friendly while providing leading-edge power.
Learning Maxon Cinema 4D R15 Video Training - Streaming
Course author Chris Martin is a career 3D designer and current partner with the Houston-based multimedia company 1.618 Designs. He specializes in the creation of innovative digital content using cutting edge multimedia tools. With 1.618, Martin has designed advertising campaigns for the Houston oil and gas industry as well as other multinational companies. Martin is also a professor at a Houston college where he teaches classes on 3D modeling, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator.
Martin's expertise with 3D modeling software, particularly Maxon Cinema 4D, streamlines Cinema's already straightforward user-interface design.
With Infinite Skills' Learning Maxon Cinema 4D R15 Tutorial, new users can start building their first models in a matter of hours, with the assurance that they are using Cinema 4D in a way that maximizes its robust capabilities.
The course is designed so that each chapter builds on the next as users learn fundamental skills and synthesize their knowledge by solving actual modeling problems at the end of each chapter.
Following an introduction to the interface, Martin begins by explaining basic principles of working with 3D objects, using object hierarchy, moving and scaling, and working with coordinate systems. Students then synthesize their learning in a chapter lab in which students build basic a chair and a table.
The course then begins with the basics of 3D modeling, explaining how to work with splines to create 3D objects. Here, students learn how to draw splines, use procedural splines, work with NURBS, and integrate Cinema 4D with Adobe Illustrator.
As the course continues, students learn how to create basic 3D components using knife, bridge, and other Cinema 4D tools. Martin explains how to model objects and deformers using the Boole object, instance objects, and the spline wrap.
Other chapters explain how to work with lighting and textures to make models more realistic, as well as how to animate and render models.
"I've used most of the major 3D modeling programs out there," Martin says, "and Cinema 4D gives you the most bang for the buck. What I mean is that the learning curve is short and that the functionality is unsurpassed, especially for integrating with the Adobe programs."
Free demo videos and a full list of course contents can be found on the Learning Maxon Cinema 4D R15 training page of the InfiniteSkills website:
Infinite Skills offers its Learning Maxon Cinema 4D R15 either as a DVD or a direct download from the company website at a retail price of $99.95. All titles and formats are compatible with Mac and Windows operating systems. Shipping is available around the globe. Additionally, Infinite Skills tutorials are supported by project files which correspond to examples in the videos, allowing users to work alongside experienced instructors right on their computer or iPad.
About Infinite Skills Inc.
A leader in the field of software training, Infinite Skills designs its courses on a task-oriented model, teaching complex skills by providing hands-on examples and guiding users as they carry out essential functions. Infinite Skills offers a wide range of software titles available as DVDs, digital downloads, and in iPad editions. Infinite Skills now offers a subscription service, providing access to all its training content for a monthly fee, keeping with company's aim of delivering professional training to customers anywhere they want to learn.
Colin Boyd, InfiniteSkills,, +1 (858) 866-9147, [email protected]
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